
来源 :今日中国(中文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anyjz
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一九八六年十一月初,在金風送爽、海濤不興的杭州灣——距離上海市區七十五公里的金山賓館,來自二十一個國家和地區的漢學家、文學評論家和翻譯家們,應邀出席了在中國本土上舉辦的第一次當代文學國際討論會氖恢容^高的中國作家和六十餘名外國朋友歡聚一堂,舊雨新知,促膝暢談,的確熱鬧非凡。盛會自十一月三日晚間開始,至六日晚間,共舉行大組報告會十二次(分爲A、B兩個大組宣讀論文及自由發言),自始至終貫徹了自由討論的原則,讓各種有關文學創作與翻譯(中文譯外文)工作的不同觀點、不同評價爭議論戰。 At the beginning of November 1986, in Hangzhou Bay, where the golden winds are blowing and Haitao is unsettled - Jinshan Hotel 75 km from Shanghai’s downtown area, sinologists from 21 countries and regions, Families and translators were invited to attend the first international symposium on contemporary literature held in China’s Mainland. Chinese writers and more than 60 foreign friends gathered together to talk about new things and to promote friendship. , Really bustling. The event starts from the evening of November 3 and takes place in the evening of the 6th. A total of 12 large-scale symposiums will be held (divided into group A and group B for reading papers and giving free speech) and implementing the principle of free discussion from beginning to end Different views on the work of literary creation and translation (Chinese to English translation), controversial controversy between different evaluations.
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