Synthesis and characterization of a one-dimensional polymeric copper(Ⅱ)-tetrathioporphyrazine

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhyj747
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The title polymer PCuS4Pz was synthesized by reaction of 2,3-dicyano-5,6-dihydro-1,4-dithiin,pyromellitic dianhydride and urea with cuprous salt in optimized gentle method.The structure and properties of the PCuS4Pz were characterized by elemental analysis,X-ray powder diffraction,IR,UV-Vis,fluorescence and EPR spectra and variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility.The polymer is black sublimable crystallite and the degree of polymerization has been found to be n>4.The PCuS4Pz in H2SO4 exhibits intensive absorption bands at 236,342,656 and 767 nm and intensive fluorescence band at 410 nm or 464 nm under the excitation of the ultraviolet light of a determined wavelength at room temperature.It has been found that the polymer exhibits a weaker antiferromag-netic interaction (,εff=1.68 B.M.) with an apparent spin S<1/2 in the ground state and its conductivity 298K is 1.01×10-5 S-cm-1 at 13.73 MPa. The title polymer PCuS4Pz was synthesized by reaction of 2,3-dicyano-5,6-dihydro-1,4-dithiin, pyromellitic dianhydride and urea with cuprous salt in optimized gentle method. The structure and properties of the PCuS4Pz were characterized by elemental analysis, X-ray powder diffraction, IR, UV-Vis, fluorescence and EPR spectra and variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility. The polymer is black sublimable crystallite and the degree of polymerization has been found to> 4. The PCuS4Pz in H2SO4 exhibits. Intensive absorption bands at 236, 342, 656 and 767 nm and intensive fluorescence band at 410 nm or 464 nm under the excitation of the ultraviolet light of a determined wavelength at room temperature. It has been found that the polymer exhibits a weaker antiferromag-netic interaction (J =, εff = 1.68 BM) with an apparent spin S <1/2 in the ground state and its conductivity 298K is 1.01 × 10-5 S-cm-1 at 13.73 MPa.
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