Reduction of tumorigenicity of SMMC-7721 hepatoma cells by vascular endothelial growth factor antise

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Johnson_Gu
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AIM To test the hypothesis to block VEGFexpression of SMMC-7721 hepatoma cells mayinhibit tumor growth using the rat hepatomamodel.METHODS Amplifiy the 200 VEGF cDNAfragment and insert it into human U6 genecassette in the reverse orientation transcribingsmall antisense RNA which could specificallyinteract with VEGF165, and VEGF121 mRNA.Construct the retroviral vector containing thisantisense VEGF U6 cassette and package thereplication-deficient recombinant retrovirus.SMMC-7721 cells were transduced with thesevirus and positive clones were selected withG418. PCR and Southern blot analysis wereperformed to determine if U6 cassette integratedinto the genomic DNA of positive clone,Transfected tumor cells were evaluated for RNAexpression by ribonuclease protection assays.The VEGF protein in the supernatant of parentaltumor cells and genetically modified tumor cellswas determined with ELISA. In vitro and in vivogrowth properties of antisense VEGF cell clonein nude mice were analyzed.RESULTS Restriction enzyme digestion andPCR sequencing verified that the antisense VEGFRNA retroviral vector was successfullyconstructed. After G418 selection, resistantSMMC-7721 cell clone was picked up, PCR andSouthern blot analysis suggested that U6cassette was integrated into the cell genomic DNA. Stable SMMC-7721 cell clone transducedwith U6 antisense RNA cassette could express200bp small antisense VEGF RNA and secretereduced levels of VEGF in culture condition.Production of VEGF by antisense transgene-expressing cells was 65±10 ng/L per 10~6 cells,420±45 ng/L per 10~6 cells in sense group and 495±30 ng/L per 10~6 cells in the negative controlgroup, (P<0.05), The antisense-VEGF cellclone appeared phenotypically indistinguishablefrom SMMC-7721 cells and SMMC-7721 cellstransfected sense VEGF. The growth rate of theantisense-VEGF cell clone was the same as thecontrol cells. When S. C. was implanted intonude mice, growth of antisense-VEGF cell lineswas greatly inhibited compared with controlcells.CONCLUSION Expression of antisense VEGFRNA in SMMC-7721 cells could decrease thetumorigenicity, and antisense-VEGF genetherapy may be an adjuvant treatment forhepatoma. AIM To test the hypothesis to block VEGFexpression of SMMC-7721 hepatoma cells mayinhibit tumor growth using the rat hepatomamodel.METHODS Amplifiy the 200 VEGF cDNA fragment and insert it into human U6 genecassette in the reverse orientation transcribing small antisense RNA which could specificallyinteract with VEGF165, and VEGF121 mRNA.Construct the retroviral vector containing thisantisense VEGF U6 cassette and package thereition-deficient recombinant retrovirus.SMMC-7721 cells were transduced with thesevirus and positive clones were selected withG418. PCR and Southern blot analysis wereperformed to determine if U6 cassette integratedinto the genomic DNA of Positive clone,Transfected tumor cells were evaluated for RNAexpression by ribonuclease protection assays.The VEGF protein in the supernatant of parental tumor cells and genetically modified tumor cells was determined with ELISA. In vitro and in vivo growth properties of antisense VEGF cell clonein nude mice were analyzed.RESULTS Restriction enzyme digestion and PCR sequencing verified that the antisense VEGFRNA retroviral vector was successfully constructed. After G418 selection, resistantSMMC-7721 cell clone was picked up, PCR andSouthern blot analysis suggested that U6cassette was integrated into the cell genomic DNA. Stable SMMC-7721 cell clone transducedwith U6 antisense RNA cassette could express200bp small antisense VEGF RNA and secrete levels of VEGF in culture condition.Production of VEGF by antisense transgene-expressing cells was 65±10 ng/L per 10~6 cells, 420±45 ng/L per 10~ 6 cells in sense group and 495±30 ng/L per 10~6 cells in the negative control group, (P<0.05), The antisense-VEGF cell clone appeared phenotypically indistinguishable from SMMC-7721 cells and SMMC-7721 cellstransfected sense VEGF. The growth When the serum is in implanted intonude mice, growth of antisense-VEGF cell lineswas greatly inhibited compared with contr OlCells.CONCLUSION Expression of antisense VEGFRNA in SMMC-7721 cells could decrease thetumorigenicity, and antisense-VEGFgenetherapy may be an adjuvant treatment forhepatoma.
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我院1984年5月~1999年12月共治疗妊娠期乳腺癌13例,报道如下。 临床资料:13例年龄20~32岁,平均25.5岁。病程0.5~6月,确诊乳腺癌时妊娠时间3~9月。 临床表现:无痛性肿块10例,乳头血性溢液2例,乳房肿块伴疼痛1例。伴腋窝淋巴
〔16〕下颌后牙固定桥基牙牙周膜应力的三维有限元法分析唐亮等。华西医科大学附属口腔医院〔中华口腔医学杂志 1993;28(5):261〕作者以成人下颌骨作为建立有限元模型的解剖学基础,根据固定桥