
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:DIWUTANG
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词汇教学的途径是多方面的。我采用了下列方法: 1.在幼儿了解故事情节基础上,充分利用图片进行描述,揭示新词义,然后归纳。例如:“小猫钓鱼”故事中有“专心”这个词,我并不急于讲解词义,而是讲完故事后,通过提问,引导幼儿仔细观察图片,从猫妈妈在钓鱼时的姿态和神态中找出能钓到一条又一条大鱼的原因。根据老师的要求,幼儿对猫妈妈的描述是:“猫妈妈手里拿着钓鱼竿,坐在河边一动也不动。”“猫妈妈的眼睛瞪得大大的,望着河面上的水,竖起两只会转动的耳朵在仔细听。”“蜻蜓和蝴蝶飞来了,猫妈妈不去理睬……”这时,我就归纳出:猫妈妈很专心地钓鱼,所以能钓到大鱼。这样,对“专心”这个内涵丰富的词幼儿也理解了。同时从猫妈妈的姿态、神态上归纳出“专心”这个词的词义,也培养了幼儿归纳思维的能力。2.把新词教育与幼儿生活经验联系起来,让幼儿借助生活经验,进一步理解和掌握新词。 There are many ways to teach vocabulary. I used the following methods: 1 in children on the basis of understanding the story, make full use of pictures to describe, reveal the new meaning, and then summarized. For example, there is a word of “concentration” in the story of “kitten fishing.” I am not in a hurry to explain the meaning of words. Instead, after the story is finished, questions are asked to guide children to carefully observe the pictures. From the cat’s mother’s posture and demeanor during fishing Find out why you can catch one big fish after another. According to the teacher’s request, the children’s description of the cat mother is: “The cat mother holding fishing rod in his hand, sitting on the river motionless.” “Cat mother eyes wide-eyed, looking at the water on the river, Listen carefully. ”“ The dragonfly and the butterfly fly, and the cat mother does not ignore it ... ”At this moment, I concluded that the cat mother was very interested in fishing, so I could catch a big fish . In this way, the “concentrate on” this rich connotation of words and children also understand. At the same time from the cat mother’s gesture, demeanor to sum up the “concentration” of the word meaning, but also cultivate the ability of young children to induce thinking. 2. The new word education and experience of early childhood life, so that children learn from life experience, to further understand and master the new word.
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