The Saihanba Spirit

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  The Inner Mongolian Plateau, to the north of Beijing, used to be the source of the windblown sandstorms that were rampant in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region each spring. But now, over 700-square-km of trees, called Saihanba, has formed a green wall 450 km from Beijing, saving the capital from being buffeted by wind and sand.
  This green barrier is not a natural phenomenon but the result of 55 years of manmade afforestation.
  The forest lies close to sandy land on the plateau. Fifty-five years ago, it was wasteland with scattered yellow grass and a few trees, which gradually became sandy. Efforts to rehabilitate the land started in the 1960s. In 1962, the government began building a forest farm there and organized agriculturists and farmers to plant trees. Thanks to the relentless efforts of three generations, the barren land turned into a lush forest. The forest stock in Saihanba has reached 10.12 million cubic meters, conserving and purifying 137 million cubic meters of water every year.
  The story of a green Saihanba spread nationwide and received an enthusiastic response. It also gave rise to the concept of the Saihanba Spirit, defi ned as a combination of dedication and entrepreneurship, a scientifi c and realistic approach, and green development.
  The Saihanba Spirit is exemplary for three reasons:
  First, people in China and other countries have been making efforts to improve the condition of desertifi ed regions. The successful practice of Saihanba shows that human effort to improve the natural environment is not in vain. A sandy tract can be transformed into an oasis.
  Second, generally speaking, China’s ecological environment is vulnerable. Besides natural deserts and wastelands in the west and north regions, there are places in the south that originally had abundant rainfall and vegetation but were seriously damaged due to the unsustainable development pattern formerly pursued in the past few decades. The government has realized that pursuing economic development while seeking ecological balance can lead to and has introduced a strategy of making ecological progress and building a beautiful China.
  Saihanba’s transformation demonstrates that the strategy has an achievable goal, and economic growth and ecological progress can be synergized.
  Third, afforestation is one of the pivotal ways humans can deal with climate change. Saihanba’s trees can absorb 747,000 tons of carbon dioxide and release 545,000 tons of oxygen each day. The mechanized Saihanba tree farm can produce over 450,000 tons of marketable wood, and its carbon emission permit trading volume can exceed 30 million yuan ($4.55 million), according to China Green Carbon Foundation. This means we can replicate the Saihanba model and cope better with climate change.
  The Saihanba Spirit is motivational. Promoting ecological development and addressing climate change both take time. We should be prepared to fi ght a protracted war for a sound environment, just like generations of Saihanba people. With persistance and hard work, our earth will become a much better place.
【摘要】苏霍姆林斯基认为,家庭作业不应该是课内作业简单的量的追加,而应该是知识的发展和深化,是学习能力的改善,是掌握课堂知识的准备。作业是课堂教学的补充和延续,是学生巩固所学知识的手段,也是英语课程改革的一项重要内容,更是提高英语教学质量的重要途径。因此,我认为要想提高英语教学质量、优化初中英语教学,必须重视作业设计。  【关键词】作业设计;英语教学    英语作业作为课堂教学的延伸,对于学生巩固
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