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邓小平新时期军事经济思想,既是建设有中国特色社会主义理论的重要组成部分,又是相对独立的科学理论体系,是以邓小平为主要代表的中国共产党人和全军将士集体智慧的结晶,内容极其丰富。其主要内容可以归纳为以下十个方面: 1、关于转变军事经济建设指导思想的理论。邓小平以杰出战略家的智慧和革命胆略,洞察国际风云变幻和国内政治、经济形势,迅速准确地对当今世界战略格局作出了科学的预测和判断,他指出:和平与发展是当今世界两大主题;世界和平力量的增长超过了战争力量的增长;世界大战一时打不起来,工作做得好还可继续延续与避免;现在全国党政军民正在一心一意搞经济建设;中央军委作出了新时期军事战略方针的重大调整的战略决策。因此,军事经济建设指导思想必须从过去的全力保障战争需要的战时状态、临战状态转变到和平时期的建设轨道上来。 Deng Xiaoping’s thinking on military economy in the new era is not only an important part of the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, but also a relatively independent system of scientific theories. It is the crystallization of the collective wisdom of the Chinese communists and the armymen with Deng Xiaoping as the main representative and extremely content rich. Its main contents can be summarized into the following ten aspects: 1. Theory on changing the guiding ideology of military economic construction. With the wisdom and revolutionary courage of outstanding strategists, Deng Xiaoping inspected the changes in the international situation and the political and economic situation in China and scientifically predicted and judged the strategic layout of the world quickly and accurately. He pointed out: Peace and development are two major themes in today’s world ; The growth of the world peace force surpassed the growth of the war forces; World War I can not afford to fight for a while and the work well done can continue and be avoided; now that the party, government, army and civil government are wholeheartedly engaged in economic construction; the Central Military Commission has made military strategies in the new period Strategic adjustment of the strategic decision-making. Therefore, the guiding ideology of military economic construction must be transformed from the wartime and war-like status required by the past in its efforts to guarantee the needs of the war to the track of peace construction.
一般来说,EKC研究主要集中在两个大的方面:一是通过实证分析揭示环境质量与国民经济增长之间是否呈倒U关系(Panayotou1995);二是如果存在,其转折点的门槛值是多少(Grossman a
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