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福利国家在医疗保健的金融资助上片面追求公平、公正、平等。坚持医疗保健享有权的公平、公正、平等虽然符合世俗道德,但不符合情理和伦理学要求,并且会误导政府制定出财政上无法持续、医疗经费支付不合理的保健政策,把医疗保健作为福利来对待从而加重国家和个人的经济负担,而不能全面保障国民的保健需求。从国家政策和个人的选择、医疗保健项目与自我使用的权利和可利用的资源、享有权与道德风险、享有权与政治风险、国家福利制度与制药企业间、医疗技术的进步与医疗成本、医学进步与老年人口增长七个方面全方位探讨医疗保健与人的状况的有限性的关系。建议:发展中国家应该审慎研究发达国家的医疗保健政策,但绝不能照搬;他们需要建立和制定符合自己国情的医疗保障体系和政策,使国民享有全面的医疗保障;为了保障医疗财政支持的可持续性及全面保障国民的保健需求,应建立健康储蓄账户,并以强制性购买灾难性健康保险作为补充,对于一些贫穷的地方或地区,由国家支付经费为其建立健康储蓄账户,形成以家庭为单位的医疗经费支付单位,这样可以避免医疗保健享有权的五大危害:过度消费、政治风险、资源不足的风险、风险转移、哲学风险。 The welfare state unilaterally pursues fairness, justice, and equality in financial support for healthcare. Persist in the fairness, fairness and equality of the right to enjoy health care, although it conforms to secular morality, it does not meet the requirements of reason and ethics, and it misleads the government to formulate a health care policy that is financially unsustainable and medical expenses are unreasonably paid, and regards health care as welfare. To deal with it increases the economic burden on the country and individuals, and cannot fully protect the health needs of the people. From national policy and individual choices, health care projects and self-use rights and available resources, rights and moral risks, enjoyment and political risks, between national welfare systems and pharmaceutical companies, advances in medical technology, and medical costs, Seven aspects of medical advancement and the growth of the elderly population have explored all aspects of the relationship between health care and the limited human condition. Suggestion: Developing countries should carefully study the health care policies of developed countries, but they must not copy them; they need to establish and formulate medical security systems and policies that meet their own national conditions so that citizens can enjoy comprehensive medical protection; and in order to protect medical financial support, Sustaining and comprehensively protecting the health needs of the people, a health savings account should be established and supplemented by compulsory purchase of disastrous health insurance. For some poor places or regions, the state pays funds to establish a healthy savings account to form a family. The unit that pays for the medical expenses of the unit can avoid the five major hazards of the right to enjoy medical care: excessive consumption, political risks, risks of insufficient resources, risk transfer, and philosophical risks.
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