开展课外活动 发展学生个性

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每个教学班都有一部分学生,解答数学问题思维敏捷,接受能力较强,这些学生掌握课本上的知识基本上下太费劲,出现时间和精力上的过剩。如何充分发挥这些学生的优势,给他们创造良好的学习环境,使他们在数学王国中,获得更多的知识,使其个性得以充分发展。我们除了在平常教学中本着“源于教材、高于教材”的原则,对讲授内容加深拓宽外,还开展了数学兴趣课,趣题征解,专题辅导讲座,年级数学竞赛等活动,用于对数学尖子生的培养,取得了较好的效果。现就几项活动谈谈具体做法: 一、每周上好一节兴趣课 兴趣,是学生学习中最好的老师,而多数教师在平常的课堂教学中往往只侧重于教懂课本上的知识,忽视学生学习的兴趣,学生学得乏味,知识面狭窄。针对这一现象,我校规定各班每周一节自习课(上午第四节 Each teaching class has a part of students who are quick to answer math problems and strong in accepting ability. The students' knowledge of textbooks is basically too much effort and time and energy excess. How to give full play to the advantages of these students so that they can create a good learning environment so that they can acquire more knowledge in the mathematical kingdom so that their personalities can fully develop. Apart from deepening the content of lectures in addition to the principle of “originating from textbooks and being higher than teaching materials” in ordinary teaching, we also carry out activities such as mathematics interest lectures, lecture notes lectures, special tutorial lectures, and grade mathematics contests. In the training of top students in mathematics, and achieved good results. Now on several activities to talk about the specific approach: First, a week interest in a good hobby, is the best teacher learning, and most teachers in normal classroom teaching often focus only on understanding the textbook knowledge , Ignoring the students interest in learning, students learn boring, narrow knowledge. In response to this phenomenon, our school provides class classes a week self-study (the fourth quarter of the morning
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探究性学习是指学生在教师的指导下从自身生活或社会生活中选择研究专题,以类似于科学研究的方式主动的获取知识,应用知识解决问题的学习。物理教师要有意识地引导学生 Inqu