家庭组装打火机 也能赚大钱

来源 :现代营销(创富信息版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anruixiang
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打火机属一次性消费品,市场供不应求。据统计,一个100万人口的小型城市,每月打火机消耗量为120万只。市场持续、稳定需求,循环消费,是一个永不饱和的市场。组装一次性打火机还不受区域、场地、资金、人员的限制,再加上市场循环消费的不饱和性,决定了组装打火机是一项实实在在、稳妥、长久的致富好项目。一、投入成本低:加盟该项目您只需组装工具、充气设备及印字设备即可获得该技术进行安装。二、易学回报高:加工安装打火机非常简单,男女老幼均可做。熟练工人每天可加工1000多个,一般的也可加工600-800个,效益确实丰厚。三、运转周期短:加盟后即可 Lighter is a one-time consumer goods, the market in short supply. According to statistics, a small city of 1 million people consumes 1.2 million lighters a month. The market continues, stable demand, recycling consumption, is a never-ending market. The assembly of disposable lighters is not subject to the restrictions of areas, venues, funds and personnel. Coupled with the unsatisfactory consumption in the market, the assembly of lighters is a real, secure and long-term affluent project. First, the low input costs: join the project you only need to assemble tools, inflatable equipment and printing equipment to get the technology to install. Second, easy to learn High return: processing and installation of lighters is very simple, men, women and children can do. Skilled workers can process more than 1,000 per day, the general can also be processed 600-800, the benefits really rich. Third, short operating cycle: to join
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