
来源 :农业发展与金融 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mengzi_2008
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(一)农业政策性金融部门以支持和保护农业,促进农业发展为目的。但在不同的历史时期,因农业不同发展阶段的现实条件及政府农业政策的不同,要求支持与保护的工作重点进行不断调整。在发展中国家,一般处于传统农业或现代化农业起步阶段。这一阶段,政策性金融一方面要支持发展农业生产,增加粮食等农产品的有效供给;另一方面又由于国内市场欠发达,农产品流通体系不完善,又要大力支持农产品购销,促进农产品向商品转化,提高农产品的商品率,以增加农民收入,保护农民利益。在发达国家,由于实现了农业现代化经营,农产品极大地丰富并出现了大量过剩,就需要农业政策性金融通过支持稳定农产品价格,达到保护农业的目的。许多发达国家为平衡农产品供求,促进农业生产者收入的稳定增长和农业与国民经 (1) The agricultural policy-oriented financial sector aims at supporting and protecting agriculture and promoting agricultural development. However, in different historical periods, due to the different conditions of agriculture at different stages of development and the differences in government agricultural policies, the priorities of support and protection are constantly adjusted. In developing countries, they are usually at the start of traditional agriculture or modern agriculture. At this stage, policy-oriented finance, on the one hand, supports the development of agricultural production and increases the effective supply of agricultural products such as grain; on the other hand, due to the underdevelopment of the domestic market and the imperfect circulation system of agricultural products, it also strongly supports the purchase and sale of agricultural products and the promotion of agricultural products to commodities Transform, improve the commodity rate of agricultural products, in order to increase the income of farmers, protect the interests of farmers. In developed countries, due to the realization of modern agricultural management, agricultural products have greatly enriched and a large surplus, we need agricultural policy finance through the support of stable agricultural prices, to achieve the purpose of protection of agriculture. Many developed countries to balance the supply and demand of agricultural products, and promote the steady growth of agricultural producers income and agriculture and national economy
北京建院总设计师的故事“我们这代建筑师是不幸运又是幸运的。”这是北京市建筑设计研究院执行总建筑师邵韦平对60后中国建筑设计师的评价。渐渐步入知天命之年的60后建筑设计师们,不少已经成为国內业內的重量级人物了,但所处的时代让他们注定成为内心充满纠结的一代。  中国作为建筑设计师施展才华的巨大舞台,不仅让中国的、也让全世界的设计师瞩目。驻上海的德国建筑师马丁·哈格尔说:“中国是建筑师向往的地方,其规模
1 资料和方法 1.1 资料 1993年12月~1997年1月,在本院做介入治疗的盆腔恶性肿瘤32例,男性9例,女性23例,年龄21~78岁,平均44岁,均经病理证实。直肠癌术后复发8例,前列腺未分化