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科学规范的刑罚执行,对于实现我国的刑罚目的和构建和谐社会具有十分重要的意义。去年以来,河南省高级人民法院紧紧抓住审判公开和同步监督两个环节,在全省大力推行公开审理减刑、假释案件制度,深入探索法律监督、社会监督和舆论监督同步进行的机制。在去年召开的第十一届全国人大二次会议上,河南省高级人民法院院长张立勇提交了《关于完善我国减刑制度的建议》。最高人民法院和最高人民检察院对该建议高度重视,相继开展了一系列的调查研究。在全国法院系统和刑罚执行理论界引起较大反响。在目前的法律框架下,如何解决刑罚执行中的一些难点,如何从理论上指导实践、解决基层难题,我国法学、实务界不少人士对此的看法颇多歧异,比如判前立功,减刑、假释与财产刑和附带民事判决执行的关联,减刑撤销制度,假释保证金和保证人制度等一直是实践中争议的热点。分析问题原因、匡正错误认识、明确发展方向,才能促进我国刑罚执行制度的完善,提升刑罚执行的公信力。为了充分探讨这一问题,本刊编辑部特邀一批专家进行专题研究,得到了一些对此问题素有研究的学者和相关实务专家的比较积极的回应。为了更好地以学术之力审时度势促进司法改革,本刊编辑部以“刑罚执行的改革与完善”为总标题,试图从现代司法的基本规律和特点着手,就我国刑罚执行的相关问题进行探讨。本刊编辑部认为,刑罚执行的改革和完善重中之重是建立健全对刑罚执行中违法情形的发现和纠正机制。相关部门应依法规范对重大刑事罪犯适用减刑、假释、暂予监外执行的条件,建立和完善对刑罚变更执行的同步监督制度,完善对监所执行、监外执行和社区矫正进行法律监督的方式和措施。同时,应建立健全非监禁刑罚执行方式,切实防止监外执行人员脱管、漏管,并进一步完善对未决犯羁押和看守所监管活动的法律监督制度。 The scientific and standardized penalty execution is of great significance for realizing the purpose of our country’s penalty and building a harmonious society. Since last year, the Higher People’s Court of Henan Province has firmly grasped the two links of open trial and simultaneous supervision. In the province, it vigorously promoted the system of public hearing of commutation and parole cases and further explored the mechanism of legal supervision, social supervision and public opinion supervision. At the second session of the Eleventh National People’s Congress held last year, Zhang Licong, dean of the Higher People’s Court of Henan Province, submitted the “Proposal on Perfecting the Commutation System in China.” The Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate attached great importance to this proposal and conducted a series of investigations and studies successively. In the national court system and the penalty theory of execution caused a greater response. Under the current legal framework, how to solve some difficulties in the implementation of penalties, how to guide practice from theory and solve grass-roots problems? Many people in jurisprudence and practice in our country have quite different opinions about this. For instance, merits of pre-trial sentence, commutation of sentence, Parole has been the focus of controversy in practice because of the connection between the parole and property crimes and the enforcement of civil judgments attached thereto, the system of commutation of commutation of commutation, the system of parole and guarantor. To analyze the cause of the problem, rectify the misunderstanding and clarify the direction of development, can we improve the system of penalty execution in our country and enhance the credibility of the penalty execution. In order to fully explore this issue, the editorial department of this magazine invited a group of experts to carry out thematic research and got some positive responses from scholars and relevant practical experts who are well-versed in this issue. In order to better assess the situation with academic power to promote judicial reform, the editorial department of our magazine takes the reform and perfection of penalty execution as the general title and attempts to start from the basic laws and characteristics of modern judicial system, To explore. Our editorial department believes that the most important task in the reform and improvement of penalties is to establish and improve the discovery and rectification of illegal situations in the execution of penalties. Relevant departments should, in accordance with the law, apply the conditions of commutation of sentences, parole, and temporary executions to major criminals in compliance with the law, establish and improve the system of simultaneous supervision over the implementation of changes in penalties, and improve the legal supervision of the execution of prison supervisors and community correction Ways and measures. At the same time, we should establish and improve the implementation of non-custodial sentences, effectively prevent extra-custodial officers from being in charge of demotions and omissions, and further improve the system of legal supervision over the activities of prisoners in custody and detention.
本报讯 近日,中通客车申请的发明专利——“大型矩形管底架的大客车全承载车身”,经过国家知识产权局审查,获得发明专利授权(专利号:ZL2009 1 0014786.1)。该发明涉及一种大型矩形管