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“和为贵”,是和平哲学的纲领。“和合”乃和平哲学最高宗旨。和平,即事物矛盾的双方共处于统一体中,是事物存在和发展的方式。我们的民族不幸有过“斗争哲学”,以为斗争为万物之母。但我们忘记了,矛盾双方的共存、和平、相辅相成,才是事物存在的前提,也是社会发展的条件。用哲学术语来说,这是指矛盾的同一性。与战争相比,今日人类更需要和平。古代戎马厮杀,得到奖励的是浴血沙场的英雄,今日则颁发和平奖而不是战争奖。奖励战争和杀敌,这是人类走过的一段历程。和平主义已成当今一面旗帜(例如爱因斯坦)。共存共荣,相互依赖,才使事物存在和发展。分离和斗争,常常破坏平衡,造成灾难。战争乃毁灭之神,乃死神也。 “Harmony is precious” is the program of peace philosophy. “Harmony” is the highest purpose of the philosophy of peace. Peace, the two sides in which things contradict, is in the unity of one body and is the way in which things exist and develop. Our nation has unfortunately had a philosophy of struggle, thinking that struggle is the mother of all things. However, we have forgotten that the coexistence, peace, and complementarity of the two parties in conflict are the preconditions for the existence of things and are also the conditions for social development. In philosophical terms, this refers to contradictory identity. Compared with war, humanity needs peace more today. Ancient horses were killed and rewarded by the heroes of the bloody battlefield. Today, they are awarded the peace award instead of the war award. Rewarding wars and killing enemies is a journey that humanity has gone through. Pacifism has become a banner today (eg Einstein). Coexistence and co-prosperity, interdependence, make things exist and develop. Separation and struggle often destroy balance and cause disaster. War is the god of destruction, but it is also the god of death.
一、教学内容:欣赏器乐曲《祝你快乐》,歌曲教唱《明天会更好》。 二、教学目标: 1、能用轻柔自然的声音欢快地演唱歌曲,并能够背唱这首歌。 2、充分调动学生学习的兴趣和积
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