通过XC Coupe概念车,我们可以先行感受一下新款XC90的风采,据了解,沃尔沃旗下的最高端车型将于今年年内完成全面更新换代。这款双门四座概念SUV,拥有21英寸的超大轮毂、更加突出的轮拱设计、高挑的车顶以及仪表盘与前轴间的超长距离,安全性和冲击力恰到好处的体现在其中。它除了负责展示沃尔沃人、车、生活、自信达成平和的设计理念和以人为本的追求,其中的众多元素还将成为未来新一代沃尔沃XC系列SUV的核心设计元素。
Through the XC Coupe concept car, we can first feel the style of the new XC90, it is understood that Volvo’s most high-end models will be completed within the year to be fully updated. The two-door, four-concept SUV features 21-inch oversized wheels, a more prominent wheel arch design, tall roofs and long distances between the dashboard and the front axle for just the right amount of safety and impact. In addition to demonstrating the design philosophy of Volvo, cars, life, peace of mind and people-oriented pursuit, many of these elements will also become the core design elements of the new generation of Volvo XC SUVs in the future.