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金秋九月,北京国际青少年小提琴比赛在首都音乐厅拉开战幕。1986年9月24日,上海音乐学院附中初一学生董昆在比赛中以最高分数荣获少年组第一名。振奋人心的消息传来,河北省歌舞剧院沸腾了——原来,董昆是河北省石家庄市人,她的父亲是河北师范大学音乐系讲师,母亲是石家庄棉纺四厂小学教师,家住河北省歌舞剧院,董昆是1983年考入上海音乐学院附小的。 “董昆天资聪明,是天才!” “天才?!要不是董昆的爸爸妈妈和老师帮助她刻苦学习,能有今天这样突出的成绩?” 一时间,众说纷纭。带着一连串的问题,我访问了董昆的父亲——董德文。 Autumn in September, Beijing International Youth Violin Competition kicked off in the Capital Music Hall. On September 24, 1986, Dong Kun, a junior high school middle school student from Shanghai Conservatory of Music, won the first place in the junior group with the highest score in the competition. Intriguing news came that Hebei Song and Dance Theater boiled - it turned out that Dong Kun is Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, her father is a lecturer at Hebei Normal University Music Department, his mother is Shijiazhuang Cotton Fourth Factory primary school teachers, who live in Hebei Province, song and dance Theater, Dong Kun was admitted to the Shanghai Conservatory of Music in 1983 with a small. “” “Genius?” If both father and mother and teacher DONG Kun to help her hard to learn, can have such outstanding achievements today? "For a time, different opinions. With a series of questions, I interviewed Dong Kun, the father of Dong Kun.
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