从门外汉到歌剧通 “意外的”专业歌剧迷

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“意外的”专业歌剧迷The accidental opera lover—andprofessional小琼:我们知道,一场歌剧除了舞台上的演员和乐池里的乐队,还要依靠许多人在幕后确保演出顺利进行。小薇:有时一场进展顺利的演出会让我们忘记幕后那些为了确保舞台布景道具服装不出纰漏地出现在正确的场景和位置而付出巨大精力的人们。小琼:过去几周我在纽约百老汇的一家剧院工作,在那儿结识了一位朋友,爱德华·迪亚兹。他从1966年大都会歌剧院落户林肯中心起就是大都会歌剧院的木匠。 Little Joan: We know that in addition to the actors on stage and the orchestra in the orchestra, we know that an opera needs many people behind the scenes to ensure that the show is going well. Vivian: Sometimes a well-performed show will make us forget the behind-the-scenes people who devote so much energy to making sure the stage set costumes appear in the right context and location. JJ: I’ve been working at a Broadway theater in New York for the past few weeks, where I met a friend, Edward Diaz. He has been a carpenter at the Metropolitan Opera since 1966 when he settled in the Lincoln Center at the Metropolitan Opera House.
Two different types of 1-[2-(hydroxyethoxy)methyl]-6-naphthylmethylthymines have been designed, synthesized and evaluated for their anti-HIV-1 activities in dif
本文着重探讨了中国封建社会外戚的处世之道、生活态度、价值取向、势利观、消费心理及变态人格等社会心理特征 ,从而有效地揭示其一般行为模式 ,探寻外戚角色的经验表征 ,剖
目的 构建大鼠内皮抑素cDNA和反义/正义血管内皮细胞生长因子(VEGF)cDNA真核共表达载体,并在C6胶质瘤细胞上获得表达.方法以1 d龄大鼠脑组织总RNA为模板,利用RT-PCR法从中扩增出内皮抑素和反义/正义VEGF的cDNA,并将获得的目的cDNA依次重组入真核表达载体pBudCE 4.1上.重组子经酶切、PCR及测序鉴定后脂质体法转染C6细胞,zeocin抗性筛选.Western-bl
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The hyperspherical-harmonic (HH) method is a wonderful tool for directly solving the Schrǒdinger equation of atoms with two or more electrons.However, the HH
在单电子Hartree-Fock近似的基础上,采用扩展离子处理方法(SLC),计算了晶格畸变对KCl中F_H(CN)~-的基态能量及F心电子能量的影响。 Based on the one-electron Hartree-Fock approximation, the effect of