In 1986, the “7210” office expansion meeting was held in Wuxi from April 10th to 14th. Attending the meeting were office members, professional team leaders and 32 representatives. Director Han Zhihua and Deputy Director Ge Ping hosted the meeting. The main purpose of this conference is to study and study the “Guidelines for the 7th Five-Year Plan” for Aerodynamic Research of the Commission of Science, Technology, Industry and Technology for National Defense, and to formulate the draft “7th Five-Year Plan” and argumentation report for the office; summarize the work in 1985; formulate the 1986 work plan and Management work put forward suggestions for improvement. The meeting focused on the “Guidelines for the 7th Five-Year Plan for Pneumatic Research of the National Commission of Science, Technology, Industry, Technology and Industry” and carefully prepared the office.