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现代法治的基本品格是形式理性与形式正义。有学者认为 ,法治的形式方面的要求本身并不包含价值评判。这种理解是不正确的。法律的普遍性、至上性和运作的可靠性这些“形式主义”的特征不仅仅是现代法治的外部特征 ,而且它们与形式平等、形式正义这种价值取向是相统一的 ,是形式正义这种价值倾向的体现与表征。形式理性的法虽然有其不足之处 ,但它仍应为我国法制改革与发展的基本价值取向。 The basic character of modern rule of law is formal rationality and formal justice. Some scholars believe that the formal requirements of the rule of law do not themselves include value judgments. This understanding is not correct. The universality, supremacy of the law and the reliability of the operation are not only the external characteristics of the modern rule of law, but also they are in harmony with the value orientation of formal equality and formal justice. They are formal justice Embodiment and Characterization of Value Tendency. Formal rational law has its own shortcomings, but it should still be the basic value orientation of our country’s legal system reform and development.
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爹娘的心思  大学通知书,儿子念了又念。  “穷坡飞出一朵鸡枞。”老汉望着老伴,满脸笑颜。  儿子工作,成家,要接父母住身边。父母不愿,说要养鸡、看山、种田。  第五年,儿子任科长,有了权。  一天,父母提着萝卜豌豆尖,要在儿家住上一段时间。  团圆,欢乐无限。阳台上的牡丹,红艳艳。  不久,儿子儿媳有些心烦。凡有人送来礼物,背后,父母悄悄查看。  儿媳不满,儿子也纳闷,父母从未有这习惯。  儿子
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