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有的人既想当官,又想发财,这就把本来不同的两回事混淆起来了。凡事物都有其一定质的规定性,切不可把不同的事物混为一谈。当官就是当官,发财就是发财。把当官当作发财的途径甚至捷径,就难免会犯错误。到头来官既当不成,财也发不了,只能落个遗恨终身、被人耻笑的下场。抗日名将吉鸿昌,亲手把父亲的遗言“作官即不许发财”七个字写在白瓷碗上,交给陶器厂仿照烧制了一大批瓷碗,发给每一个官兵,严肃地说:“我吉鸿昌虽为兄弟长官,但我决不欺压民众,掠取民财。我们牢记父辈教嘱,作官即不许发财,要为天下穷人办好事,请诸位兄弟监督。”他把这只白瓷碗带在身边,严以律己,官至国民党第二十二路军总指挥,不但没有发财,最后为抗日壮烈牺牲。当年国共合作创 Some people both want to be an official and want to make a fortune. This confuses two different things. Everything has its own certainty and must not confuse different things. An officer is an official, making fortune is making fortune. Taking the government officials as a shortcut to getting rich will inevitably make mistakes. At the end of the officer not only failed, money can not be made, only to drop a life-long grudges, being ridiculed fate. Anti-Japanese star Ji Hongchang, his father’s last words “for the official that is not allowed to make a fortune ” seven words written in white porcelain bowl, to the pottery factory modeled a large number of ceramic bowls, sent to each officer, serious He said: “Although I, Ji Hongchang, are brothers and sisters, I will never oppress the public and plunder my money. We keep in mind that our fathers’ teaching will not allow us to make a fortune and that we should do good deeds for the world’s poor and invite the brothers to supervise them.” "He took this white porcelain bowl with him and took himself as a lawyer until his commander in chief of the 22nd Route Army of the Kuomintang not only failed to make a fortune, but died as a result of the heroic sacrifice of the Anti-Japanese War. In the past, the Kuomintang-Communist cooperation
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