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竞争是企业成败的关键。培育竞争优势和获得核心竞争力是企业竞争战略制定的关键要素。从两者的关系看,核心竞争力是一个企业能够长期获得竞争优势的能力,也就是说,企业想要获得竞争优势就必须培育核心竞争力。随着经济全球化步伐的加快,全球农化行业的整合速度也在加快。世界及中国农化行业环境已经发生了巨大的变化,农化行业企业数量、产业结构、竞争方式、营销手段等都与以往呈现出显著的差异。自中国改革开放以来,世界排名前十位的跨国农化公司全部进入了中国市场,它们通过独资、合资或者委托经销方式全面参与中国农化市场的竞争。从全球农化市场看,目前排名前20位跨国农化公司占据了全球农化市场约85%的市场份额。中国农化上市公司在价值链的某个或某几个环节也拥有一定的竞争优势。因此,如何提升中小农化企业的综合实力、打造核心能力从而培育竞争优势已经是中小农化企业不得不思考 Competition is the key to business success. Fostering the competitive advantage and gaining the core competitiveness are the key elements of the enterprise’s competitive strategy formulation. From the perspective of the relationship between the two, the core competence is the ability of an enterprise to gain a competitive advantage over the long term. That is to say, in order to obtain a competitive advantage, an enterprise must cultivate its core competitiveness. With the acceleration of economic globalization, the integration speed of the agrochemical industry in the world is also accelerating. The world and the agro-chemical industry in China have undergone tremendous changes in the environment. The number of agro-industries enterprises, industrial structure, competition methods and marketing methods have all shown significant differences from the past. Since China’s reform and opening up, the top 10 transnational agrochemical companies in the world have all entered the Chinese market. They have fully participated in the competition in the agro-chemical market in China through sole proprietorship, joint ventures or entrusted distribution. Looking at the global agrochemical market, the top 20 multinational agrochemical companies currently account for about 85% of the global agrochemical market. Chinese agro-listed companies also have some competitive advantage in one or several aspects of the value chain. Therefore, how to improve the overall strength of small and medium-sized pesticide enterprises, to build core competencies so as to foster competitive advantage has been small and medium-sized pesticide enterprises have to think
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