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让优质教育资源进入寻常百姓家,这是方略教育学术委员会主席、方略教育理事长、著名教育专家冯恩洪提出的教育理念。以此为目标,方略教育机构致力于建立面向21世纪的中小学教师、校长专业化发展培训体系,汇聚国内著名教育专家,开设贴近教师、校长实际的培训专题,创立满足持续发展需要的混合型培训模式。近年来,方略教育机构由上海市德育特级教师黄静华等全国德育工作领域声誉卓著的专家、名师领衔,与山东济南历城区等地合作开展班主任培训,取得了显著成效。本刊发表培训班部分学员之研究成果,以飨读者。 Let quality education resources enter the homes of ordinary people. This is the education philosophy put forward by Feng Enhong, chairman of the Strategic Education Academic Committee, the director of the strategy education, and the famous education expert. With this as its goal, the strategic education organization is committed to establishing a professional development training system for teachers and principals of primary and secondary schools for the 21st century, bringing together well-known domestic education experts, opening practical training topics that are close to teachers and principals, and creating a hybrid that meets the needs of continuous development. Training mode. In recent years, the strategic education institution has been led by renowned experts in moral education in the national moral education field such as Huang Jinghua, a special teacher in charge of moral education in Shanghai, and has collaborated with the teachers in the Licheng District of Jinan, Shandong Province to carry out class teacher training and achieved remarkable results. This publication publishes the research results of some of the participants in the training courses for readers.
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