乡镇企业建立现代企业制度有章可循 大中型乡镇企业建立现代企业制度规范

来源 :乡镇企业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:stormcn
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最近,农业部发布《大中型乡镇企业建立现代企业制度规范》并于今年7月1日起施行,自此,乡镇企业建立现代企业制度有章可循了。当前,我国已加入WTO,乡镇企业面临的市场环境、经济体制环境和对外经贸环境都发生了重大而深刻的变化。乡镇企业能否抓住这一机遇,在全球范围内拓展发展空间,提高综合素质和核心竞争力,关键在于加快技术创新、体制创新和管理创新,建立起具有自身特色的现代企业制度。为了加快全国大中型乡镇企业建立现代企业制度,农业部在总结试点经验的基础上,根据国家有关法律、法规和政策,制定了《大中型乡镇企业建立现代企业制度规范》现已正式发布,全文如下: Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture issued the “Standardization of Modern and Medium-sized Township Enterprises Establishing a Modern Enterprise System” and came into force on July 1 this year. Since then, the establishment of a modern enterprise system by township and village enterprises has been followed. At present, China has acceded to the WTO. The market environment, the economic system environment and the foreign economic and trade environment facing the township and village enterprises have undergone significant and profound changes. Whether the township and town enterprises can seize this opportunity and expand their development space and enhance their overall quality and core competitiveness on a global scale depends on accelerating technological innovation, institutional innovation and management innovation and establishing a modern enterprise system with its own characteristics. In order to speed up the establishment of a modern enterprise system for large and medium-sized township and village enterprises in the country, the Ministry of Agriculture formulated the “Regulations for Establishing a Modern Enterprise System for Large and Medium-sized Township Enterprises” on the basis of summing up the pilot experience and the relevant state laws, regulations and policies and has now officially released the full text as follows:
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