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香菇 Lentinus edodes(Berk.)Sing.是世界著名的食用菌之一,营养丰富、味道鲜美,是菇中之佳品。香菇还含有抗癌活性的香菇多糖体及降低胆固醇活性的腺嘌呤的衍生物,被人们誉为“保健食品”、“八十年代的菌星”。目前香菇在国际市场上倍受欢迎,已成为世界各国的畅销品。我省香菇生产虽然起步较晚,但是,近年来发展速度也较快。最早的香菇栽培方法是从南方引进的压块栽培法,虽然栽培成功,但因我省的生态环境与南方差别很大,而且用种量 Lentinus edodes (Berk.) Sing. Is one of the world’s famous edible fungus, nutrient-rich, delicious, is the best of mushrooms. Mushrooms also contain anti-cancer activity of lentinan and reduce cholesterol activity of adenine derivatives, has been hailed as “health food”, “eighties bacteria star.” At present, mushrooms in the international market much popular, has become the best-selling products in various countries in the world. Although the mushroom production in our province started relatively late, however, the growth rate in recent years is also faster. The earliest mushroom cultivation method is the introduction of the briquetting cultivation method from the south, although the cultivation is successful, but due to the great difference between the ecological environment in our province and the south, but also with the amount of
“厄尔尼诺”现象通常在圣旦节前后开始出现,“厄尔尼诺”一词是西班牙文:Elni(?)o 即:“圣婴”的意思,该现象主要是由太平洋的热带海洋和大气发生异常变化造成的,海洋气象
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1.腹管延长,被有多根刚毛,并具多边形网状纹,至少在基部具网纹,末端具小刺(图3)。尾片宽圆形,顶端带指状(图4)。……毛管蚜属(毛管蚜亚科)GREENIDAE,Greenidea spp……2腹管
“演而优则唱,是演艺圈不变的定律。因《新还珠格格》一炮走红的李晟,在签约滚石唱片正式进军歌坛数月后,终于发行了她的第一张专辑《噢买尬OMG》。 ”Play and gifted sin
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