
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:allench9484
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Aim: To determine the predictive value of the 2 week post-selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT) intraocular pressure (IOP) by comparing it to the 4 week and 3 month values. Methods: A retrospective chart review of eyes that underwent SLT between 2001 and 2004 was performed. The primary outcome measure was IOP. Demographic and medical data were collected for correlational analysis. Results: 132 eyes of 95 patients were identified, none was excluded. Of the eyes that exhibited a decrease in IOP of >1 mm Hg at 2 weeks postoperatively, 99.24%continued to show a lowered IOP at the 4 week and 3 month visits. For these patients, the Pearson’s r value between 2 weeks and 4 weeks was 0.708 (p value=0.01) while the r value between 2 weeks and 3 months was 0.513 (p value=0.01). Conclusions: The 2 week visit post-SLT predicted the 4 week and 3 month visits if the 2 week visit demonstrated a decrease in IOP. These findings suggest that those patients who had a decreased IOP at 2 weeks and are at their goal IOP may not need to be screened until 3 months postoperatively. Aim: To determine the predictive value of the 2 week post-selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT) intraocular pressure (IOP) by comparing it to 4 weeks and 3 months values. Methods: A retrospective chart review of eyes that underwent SLT between 2001 and The primary outcome measure was IOP. Demographic and medical data were collected for correlational analysis. Results: 132 eyes of 95 patients were identified, none was excluded. Of the eyes that showed a decrease in IOP of> 1 mm Hg at 2 weeks postoperatively, 99.24% continued to show a lowered IOP at the 4 week and 3 month visits. For these patients, the Pearson’s r value between 2 weeks and 4 weeks was 0.708 (p value = 0.01) while the r value between 2 weeks and 3 months was 0.513 (p value = 0.01). Conclusions: The 2 week visit post-SLT predicted the 4 weeks and 3 months visits if the 2 week visit demonstrated a decrease in IOP. These findings suggest that those patients who had a decreased IOP at 2 weeks and are at th eir goal IOP may not need to be screened until 3 months postoperatively.
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