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沧桑百年,星移斗转,明珠回归,举国腾欢。 当庆祝香港回归的火树正炽,银花盛开,歌舞升平,庆兴犹酣之际,本刊将作为一件薄礼,跻身于欢庆之列,亦可谓恭奉其时矣。 香港,素有“东方明珠”之美称,窃以为这不仅是指其国际商贸中心、金融中心、航运中心和旅游中心所闪烁的光辉,当然也还包含着美食中心的光环。不然,怎么会有“食在香港”的美誉哩! 香港的烹饪技艺起源于广东的东江、潮州和广州的粤菜菜系,善用煎、炒、炸、蒸、灼、煲、炆、燉、焗、饶、烤等多种技法,制出的菜肴清淡、鲜嫩、滑爽、味浓,既有生猛海鲜、飞禽走兽等脍炙人口的荤肴,也有清鲜爽淡的各种素菜。他们在通过多年的实践,继承中有发展,挖掘中有创新,进一步弘扬了粤菜文化。加之香港一百多年来作为一个世界自由港和旅游中 Vicissitudes of a century, starring, pearl return, the country Teng Huan. When celebrating the rejuvenation of Hong Kong’s fire-tree, the bloom of silver flowers, the peaceful singing and dancing, and the celebration of Hing Hing, the magazine will serve as a gift to rank among the celebrations. Hong Kong, known as the “Pearl of the East,” boasts that this not only refers to the flashing glory of its international business and trade centers, financial centers, shipping centers and tourist centers, but also of course the aura of food centers. Otherwise, how can there be “food in Hong Kong” reputation miles! Hong Kong’s culinary arts originated from the Cantonese cuisine of Dongjiang, Chaozhou and Guangzhou in Guangdong Province. The dishes are light and light with a variety of techniques such as frying, frying, frying, steaming, burning, burning, boiling, stewing, baking, , Fresh, smooth, rich taste, both lively seafood, birds and animals and other popular meat dishes, but also fresh and light all kinds of vegetarian. Through years of practice, they have developed in their inheritance, have innovations in excavation, and further promote the Cantonese cuisine. In addition, Hong Kong has enjoyed more than a hundred years as a free port in the world and in tourism
2155年5月17日晚上,麦琪记下丁自己的日记:“今天,托米发现一本真正的书。” 这是一本很旧的书。麦琪的爷爷以前告诉她,当他还是一个小孩子的时候,他的爷爷对他讲,曾经有一
“纳托尔先生,我婶母马上就下楼来,”一位神色泰然的十五岁少女说道,“现在,暂且由我来招待您,请多包涵。” “Mr. Natal, my aunt came downstairs right now,” said a fi
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