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1990年11月23日至24日,“海军装备论证研究中心”在北京主持召开了“秦山核电站部分控制系统在AD-10机上的仿真研究”课题鉴定会。该课题是由“海军装备论证研究中心电子所“和”中国核工业总公司上海核工程研究设计院“共同完成的一项仿真研究课题。来自国防科工委、海军领导机关、中国核工业总公司、航空航天部的有关领导和专家、以及海军论证研究中心和中国核工业总公司上海核工程研究设计院的代表共50多人出席了 November 23, 1990 to 24, “Naval Equipment Research Center,” hosted in Beijing, “Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant part of the control system on the AD-10 machine simulation research,” the appraisal meeting. The subject is a simulation research project jointly completed by “Naval Equipment Demonstration Research Center Electronic Institute” and “China National Nuclear Corporation Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute”. More than 50 representatives from relevant leaders and experts from the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, the Navy’s leading authority, China National Nuclear Corporation and the Aerospace Department as well as representatives from the Navy Argument Research and Research Center and Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute of China National Nuclear Corporation
An actively mode-locked laser with tunable repetition rate is proposed and experimentally demonstrated based on a programmable electrical pattern generator.By c
The feasibility of fenestration operation in middle ear bone with pulsed infrared laser is evaluated. Healthymale New Zealand rabbits in vivo are used in the e
This tutorial will cover the basic failure mechanisms of all semiconductor devices and the recent development in this field. Back to 1980,I was mentioned that f
A three-dimensional model of GaAs/A1GaAs quantum double rings in the lateral static electric field isinvestigated theoretically.The eigenvalue problem with the