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目的研究不同青春发动时相的儿童青少年在围青春期的体脂水平及增长模式,为青春发动机制的研究和肥胖防控工作提供依据。方法整群选择上海市3所学校的329名九年级学生,回溯一~九年级时的身高和体重体检记录,用Cub ic Spline F it函数拟合得到身高突增启动年龄和身高突增高峰年龄,并以此为青春发动时相界定的依据,分析围青春期不同阶段体质量指数(BM I)-Z值和BM I-Z增加值与青春发动时相的关系。结果女生青春发育开始前、青春发育早期和中后期3个断面的高BM I-Z值都与身高突增提前有联系,而提前发生的身高突增又与青春发育早期的BM I-Z增加量有联系。男生中也发现围青春期不同断面的高BM I-Z值与身高突增提前有联系,但提前发生的身高突增与之后的BM I-Z增加量没有联系。结论男、女生青春发育开始前的高BM I-Z水平、女性青春发育早期的BM I-Z值快速增加,均可导致整个青春期乃至成人期BM I-Z值的升高。 Objective To study the body fat levels and growth patterns of adolescent children and adolescents with different phases of youth onset, and provide the basis for the study of youthful engine mechanism and prevention and control of obesity. Methods A total of 329 ninth graders from three schools in Shanghai were retrospectively collected for height and weight checkups from the first grade to the ninth grade. The Cubic Spline Fit function was used to fit the height and peak height of sudden onset , And based on this as a basis for determining the stage of youth development, the relationship between the body mass index (BM I) -Z value and BM IZ added value and the youth onset phase in different stages of adolescence was analyzed. Results Before the beginning of female puberty, the high I-Z values ​​of BM at early and middle stages of adolescence were correlated with the sudden increase of height. However, the sudden increase of premature height was associated with the increase of BM I-Z in early puberty. The boys also found that high BM I-Z values ​​in different sections of adolescence were associated with height bumps in advance, but the sudden increase in height did not correlate with the subsequent increase in BM I-Z. Conclusion The high BM-I-Z level before the onset of puberty in boys and girls and the rapid increase in BM-I-Z values ​​in early puberty of women lead to an increase in BM I-Z values ​​throughout adolescence and even in adulthood.
上、聂鸥农家晨早133×34cn中、杨延:老树开花下、陈平费洼山庄61×51cm崖子范 左、小国秋色 69×69cm 右,万年青 69×69cm阿海霞幽谷出云40x 80era国际艺苑第四届水墨画展作
中国人民的老朋友,伟大的国际主义战士,著名社会活动家、教育家路易·艾黎(Rewi Alley),自1927年30岁由新西兰来到中国,至1987年90岁逝于中国北京,在中国整整待了60年.他在中