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中国人民解放军粤桂湘边纵队的前身是广东人民抗日游击队珠江纵队。1945年5月,珠江纵队政治委员梁嘉、副司令员谢斌、政治部主任刘向东奉命率部分主力挺进广宁、四会地区,先后与西江、粤北、桂东、桂北和湘南的人民起义武装结合,开辟了以广宁为中心的粤桂湘三省边区的游击活动根据地。在中国共产党的正确领导和边区各族人民的支持下,经过几年的艰苦奋斗,这支部队由小到大,从弱到强,成长为一支拥有一万九千余人的战斗部队和近2万名的民兵队伍,转战在粤桂湘三省边区50多个县300多万人口的广大游击区,成为当年华南战场上七支游击纵队之一。在解放战争期间,它长期坚持敌后作战,解放了三省边区的广大农村和湖南临武、广西怀集、广东广宁、德庆、开建等5座县城,最后配合南下大军解放了全边区,为新中国的建立作出了应有的贡献。笔者是粤桂湘边纵队的老战士,最近重新翻阅了《粤桂湘边纵队史》、《粤桂湘边风云录》、《连江支队史》、《绥贺支队史》和有关县的革命斗争史,执笔整理了《粤桂湘边纵队解放五县记》一文,记述这段难忘的历史来纪念中华人民共和国成立60周年和粤桂湘边纵队正式成立60周年。 The predecessor of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, Guangdong, Guangxi and Hunan columns was the Pearl River Column of the Guangdong People’s Anti-Japanese Guerrillas. In May 1945, Pearl River Political Commissar Liang Jia, deputy commander Xie Bin, political director Liu Xiangdong ordered some of the main force into the Quang Ninh, Sihui area, met with the West River, North Guangdong, Guangxi, Guangxi and southern Hunan people Combine the uprising and opened up guerrilla base areas in Guangdong, Guangxi and Hunan provinces centered on Quang Ninh. With the correct leadership of the Communist Party of China and the support of the people of all ethnic groups in the border area, after years of arduous struggle, this unit has grown from weak to strong and has grown into a combat unit with over 19,000 troops. Nearly 20,000 militia troops fought a large number of guerrilla zones in more than 50 counties in the border areas of Guangdong, Guangxi and the three provinces and became one of the seven guerrilla columns in the battlefield in southern China. During the War of Liberation, it persisted in fighting behind enemy lines and emancipated the enemy. It liberated the vast rural areas in the three border provinces and the five county towns of Linwu in Hunan, Huaiji in Guangxi, Quang Ninh in Guangdong, Deqing and Kaijian. In the end, with the march of the south, Made due contributions to the founding of new China. The author is an old warrior of the column of Guangdong, Guangxi and Hunan. Recently he has reread the history of the column of Guangdong and Guangxi, the records of the Guangdong-Guangxi border army, the history of the detachment of Lianjiang, the history of the detachment of Suihe, The history of revolutionary struggles has been drafted to collate the article entitled “Liberation of Five Counties in Guangdong, Guangxi and Hunan Boundary Collars” to record the unforgettable history in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and the formal establishment of the Guangdong-Guangxi-Hunan Boundary Colony.
1948年,根据上级指示,粤桂边纵队主力(后称桂滇边部队,代号越北部队,以下简称两广部队)和云南人民讨蒋自救军第一纵队(以下简称自救军)曾在越南河阳(今河江)会师整训。当时我在部队办的《战斗报》工作,参加了整训。现将知道的一些情况回忆整理如下。  两广部队从1948年5月开始,分几批从广西靖镇地区撤到越南,沿越南境内走向河阳。6月中下旬,先头部队陆续到达河阳,前后几批共约1000多人。  自救军于
Soil erosion and associated off-site sedimentation are threatening the sustainable use of the Three Gorges Dam.To initiate management intervention to reduce sed
1955年4月11日,中国政府包租的印度国际航空公司“克什米尔公主号”星座式飞机,搭载着出席亚非会议的我方工作人员,自香港飞往印尼首都雅加达途中,在北婆罗洲沙捞越附近上空突然爆炸,机上11名乘客和7名机组人员,除3名机组人员幸运逃生外,其他人员全部遇难。   几十年来,关于这一事件的来龙去脉、前因后果众说纷纭,一度曾经被人称为“冷战时代国共间谍对峙的一大疑案”,蒙上一层神秘的面纱。      周总