重温历史瞬间 弘扬大爱大义 锦江区图书馆举办“纪念‘5·12'汶川地震3周年剪报资料展”

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2011年4月29日,在“5·12”汶川特大地震3周年来临之际,锦江区图书馆特举办“纪念‘5·12’汶川地震3周年剪报资料展”活动。此次展出的剪报资料内容包括:“5·12”期间历史的瞬间记录,以及围绕抗震救灾与恢复重建,描绘血浓于水的人间大爱,歌颂感人至深的英雄事迹等相关剪报资料约200余册。这是一次对抗震救灾悲壮历程的总结和回顾,让前来观看的读者的心灵再一次受到极大的震撼和洗礼。同时,在悼念那些逝去的同胞们时,也深深铭记在灾难面前中国人民的坚强、勇气和无尽的爱,振奋于灾后重建,万众一心、抗震救灾的 On April 29, 2011, at the dawn of the 3rd anniversary of Wenchuan Earthquake, the Jinjiang District Library held a special project to commemorate the 3rd anniversary of the May 12 Wenchuan Earthquake Clipping Exhibition. The clippings on display this time include: historical records of the period “5 · 12 ·”, as well as the historical records about the earthquake relief and reconstruction, depicting the love affair between human beings and the deeds of touching heroes Newspaper information about 200 volumes. This is a summary of the tragic journey of earthquake relief and review, so that readers come to watch the hearts once again greatly shocked and baptized. In the meantime, while paying tribute to the dead compatriots, they deeply bear in mind the strong, courageous and endless love of the Chinese people in the face of the disaster, exhilarating their efforts to rebuild after the disaster,
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