Maintenance of the activity of mono-dispersed Au and Ag nano-particles embedded in agar gel for ion-

来源 :Science China Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuhan78001
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Composite materials were synthesized by encapsulating Au and Ag nanoparticles in an agar gel matrix. These metallic nano-particles were found to be separately stored, so their optical, catalytic, and antibacterial properties were retained both in the composite gel and a composite membrane. The composite gels were stable under hard external conditions. Based on this, a sensor for the detection of Hg2+ was developed using the Au nanoparticle/agar composite gel. Antibacterial materials were achieved using the Ag nanoparticle/agar composite gel and composite membrane. These two Ag nanoparticle-based materials showed good antibacterial activity against Gram-negative Escherichia coli and Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus. Composite materials were synthesized by encapsulating Au and Ag nanoparticles in an agar gel matrix. These metallic nano-particles were found to be separately stored, so their optical, catalytic, and antibacterial properties were retained both in the composite gel and a composite membrane. Based on this, a sensor for the detection of Hg2 + was developed using the Au nanoparticle / agar composite gel. These two Ag nanoparticle-based materials showed good antibacterial activity against Gram-negative Escherichia coli and Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus.
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目的 :为探讨老年心脏瓣膜钙化与心肌缺血及室性心律失常的关系。方法 :用 2 4小时动态心电图检测经心脏彩超检查确诊的老年心瓣膜钙化体高血压病 3 4例 ,无钙化者 64例的ST
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