
来源 :世界电影之窗 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Glorygwj
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这次的金像奖总体来说还是让大部分人得偿所愿。只是经济危机下,连舞台布置都显得简单,红地毯仪式也匆匆结束。香港的电影工业再次受到了考验,主席陈嘉上甚至坦言:“资金很缺乏,甚至担心这次金像奖都办不起来。”于是,为了《叶问2》的开工,最佳影片这个奖颁给了《叶问》。也因为《叶问》的获胜,我们终于彻底看清楚香港电影的发展方向,这个本来绽放着夺目光彩的地域类型电影,在走过100年后,终于彻底在工业面前低下了头。究竟还会不会像许鞍华说的那样:“香港人共同努力,让香港电影有下一个百年。”无人知晓。关于香港电影说得已经太多,其中的情怀和唏嘘也太多。时至今日,煽情也觉得太累。往日的美好时光已不复存在,但我们也不该故步自封。全世界都在进步,连大部分的香港导演都在学习国语,学会在审查制度下找空间,学会如何适应内地观众。现在我们很容易就能在大屏幕上看到那些名字、那些面孔。这未尝不是一件好事,但相对以往香港影迷对于香港电影的谄媚和求不得来说,这又确实是一种无奈的告别。“再见香港”到底是不是一语成谶我们不敢说,只能说,之后的再会,定是截然不同的光景。 This award is generally for the majority of people get what they want. Just under the economic crisis, even the stage layout is simple, the red carpet ceremony hastily ended. Hong Kong’s film industry has once again been tested, President Chen Jia even admitted: “The funds are scarce, even worried about the awards are not up. ” So, in order to “Ip Man 2” started, the best film this award Awarded “Ip Man”. And because of the success of “Ip Man”, we finally see the direction of the development of Hong Kong films. This film, which has been blossoming in a brilliant light, has finally been brought to a halt in front of the industry after 100 years. Exactly as Ann Hui said: “Hong Kong people work together to make Hong Kong movie the next century.” “No one knows. There are so many words about Hong Kong films, too many feelings and sighs. Today, sensational also feel tired. The good old days no longer exist, but we should not be complacent. The world is making progress. Even most Hong Kong filmmakers are learning Mandarin, learning to find room under censorship and how to adapt to the mainland audience. Now we can easily see those names on the big screen, those faces. This is not a bad thing, but it is really a helpless farewell to Hong Kong film fans’ patience and dissatisfaction with Hong Kong films in the past. ”Goodbye to Hong Kong " In the end is not the phrase into a 谶 We can not say, can only say that after the meeting will be completely different scenes.
TThe National Bureau of Statistics of China(NBS) reported on September 11th that theindustrial production in August speeds up withthe total industrial value ad
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