确立人才战略 坚持重教兴司

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广西河池地区是全国十八片贫困地区之一,境内聚居着壮、瑶、苗、仫佬、毛南和侗族等少数民族304万人,占全地区总人口的83.4%.所辖的11个县(市)中有5个民族自治县,13个民族乡.经济基础薄弱,目前尚未解决温饱的群众仍有170万人,属国家重点扶贫对象;自然灾害频繁,从1989年至1993年,年均受暴雨洪涝灾害、风灾、雹灾、旱灾等自然灾害的人口260万人,需国家救济的灾民年均达90万人左右.这些客观条件,加上历史、社会、民族等诸多方面的原因,严重地制约和阻碍了河池地区经济的发展.河地人保分公司的全体干部职工发扬艰苦创业的精神,1991年以来,全地区保险业务收人增长幅度均超过本地区国民经济增长幅度14%以上,为在少数民族地区和贫困山区开拓人保事业闯出了一条新路.我们的指导思想是:围绕以业务发展为中心,确立人才战略;注 Guangxi Hechi area is one of the 18 impoverished areas in the country with a population of 3.04 million including Zhuang, Yao, Miao, Gelao, Maonan and Dong nationalities, accounting for 83.4% of the total population in the whole country. (Municipalities) have 5 ethnic autonomous counties and 13 ethnic townships, with a weak economic foundation. Currently there are still 1.7 million people who have not enough food and clothing, which is the target of poverty reduction by the state. Natural disasters have been frequent since 1989 to 1993, The population affected by natural disasters such as storms, floods, hailstorms and droughts is 2.6 million and the average number of victims receiving state aid is about 900,000 each year. These objective conditions, combined with many historical, social and ethnic reasons, are serious To restrict and hinder the economic development of Hechi area.Hebei People’s Insurance Branch of all cadres and workers to carry forward the spirit of arduous pioneering, since 1991, the insurance business in all regions increased by more than the national economic growth rate of 14% or more, For the ethnic minorities and poor mountainous areas to open up a new way of life. Our guiding ideology is: around the business development as the center, establish talent strategy; Note
一、选土诀—偏酸或中性,肥沃又疏松兰花多产于江南,土壤的酸碱度(pH 值)宜在7许,不宜超8。它要求团粒结构好、质地疏松的腐叶土或黑色砂质土。但也可用经雨水淋透、退火的