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作者等采用110例中国人尸体对脊髓本身及其周围关系进行了肉眼的观察,其中100例为乳儿至三岁的小儿(男43,女57),10例为成人(男8,女2)。 1.脊髓长度,从乳儿到三岁的脊髓全长随着年龄而增长,自17.21—24.50厘米男女两性无显著的差异。成人的脊髓全长平均数:男性为43.58厘米,女性为43.46厘米。 2.脊髓长与身长之比,从乳儿至三岁脊髓长的相对值较大。如与成人相比,则成人的身长的相对值大,因此小儿与成人之间有其一定的区别。 3.脊髓长与脊柱长之比,乳儿一岁及二岁都具有较短的脊柱和较长的脊髓,自1:1.58—1:1.65,到了三岁已与成人无多大差异。成人男性为1:1.71,女性为1:1.55,女性脊髓长的相对值比男性大。 4.脊髓长与坐高之比,乳儿、一岁及二岁,这三个时期都具有较长的坐高和较短的脊髓,到了三岁就显示出坐高短而脊髓长的现象,在成人更趋明显。 5.内终丝与外终丝,各期小儿的内外终丝随年龄而增长。成人的内终丝比三岁小儿长一倍,外终丝仅长1/3。内终丝与脊髓长的百分比,小儿与成人无明显差异,约等于脊髓 1/3长。 6.脊髓的横径、背腹径及周径的长度,自一岁至三岁的小儿都随着年龄而增加。 7.脊髓各部的长度,小儿至成人颈部对脊髓全长的百分比随年龄的增加而减少,胸部的百分比则随年龄增加而增长。据观察结果,胸部的长度无论相对值和绝对值都比其他部分长。小儿的脊髓各部长度和成人一样,胸部最长,其次为颈部,再次为腰部,骨盆部最短。 8.脊髓各部长与当该部脊柱长之比,小儿与成人之间无明显的区别。然而腰部骨盆部的比值,小儿比成人大。 9.脊髓下端的位置,从乳儿至三岁,一般位于第Ⅰ腰椎上部至第Ⅲ腰椎下部,其中40%是存在于第Ⅰ腰椎,43%是存在于第Ⅱ腰椎的高度。与成人无显著的差异。 10.脊髓的重量,小儿时期从乳儿至三岁,都随着年龄而增加,到了三岁已达6.5~9.3克。成人脊髓的重量为17.0~24.5克。 11.硬膜下界的位置,从一岁至三岁一般都存在于第Ⅰ骶椎下部到第Ⅲ骶椎下部,只二岁男性一例存在于第Ⅳ骶椎,其中极大部分则位于第Ⅱ骶椎,占42%,与成人无显著的差异。 The authors used a total of 110 Chinese cadaveric eyes to observe the spinal cord itself and its surroundings by naked eye, of which 100 were infants from infancy to three years (male 43, female 57) and 10 were adults (male 8, female 2) . Spinal cord length, total length of the spinal cord from infancy to three years old increases with age, with no significant difference between men and women from 17.21 to 24.50 cm. The average length of the adult spinal cord average: 43.58 cm for men and 43.46 cm for women. Spinal cord length and length ratio, from the baby to the three-year-old spinal cord relatively large relative length. As compared with adults, then the relative height of adults, large, so there is a certain difference between children and adults. 3. Spinal cord length to spine ratio, infants 1 year old and 2 years old with shorter spine and longer spinal cord, from 1: 1.58-1: 1.65, by the age of 3 has no significant difference with adults. Adult male 1: 1.71, female 1: 1.55, the relative value of female spinal cord longer than men. Spinal cord length and height ratio, infant, one year old and two years old, these three periods have a longer height and shorter spinal cord, to the age of three showed a short sitting and spinal cord phenomenon, More obvious in adults. 5. The end of the wire and the outer wire, all stages of children’s internal and external terminal wire with age and growth. The adult end-use filament is twice as long as a three-year-old child, and the outer end filament is only 1/3 longer. The percentage of long endodermis and spinal cord, pediatric and adult no significant difference, equivalent to about 1/3 of the spinal cord. 6. Spinal cord diameter, dorsal diameter and circumference of the length, from one year old to three-year-old children increase with age. 7. The length of each part of the spinal cord, pediatric to adult neck, the percentage of the total length of the spinal cord decreases with increasing age, the percentage of the chest increases with age. According to the observation, the length of the chest is longer than the other parts, both in relative and absolute values. Pediatric spinal cord length and adult adults, the longest chest, followed by the neck, again for the waist, the shortest pelvis. 8 spinal ministries and when the ratio of the Ministry of the spine, children and adults no significant difference between. However, the ratio of the waist pelvis, children larger than adults. 9. The position of the lower end of the spinal cord, from the baby to the age of three, is generally located in the upper part of the first lumbar spine to the lower lumbar III, of which 40% is present in the first lumbar, 43% is present in the lumbar lumbar height. No significant difference with adults. 10. The weight of the spinal cord, infancy from childhood to three years old, all increase with age, and by the age of three has reached 6.5 to 9.3 grams. The adult spinal cord weighs 17.0 to 24.5 grams. 11. The location of the subdural border, from one year old to three years old are generally present in the lower part of the first sacral vertebra to the lower part of the third sacral vertebra, only two cases of male present in the fourth sacral vertebrae, most of which are located in Ⅱ Sacral vertebral, accounting for 42%, no significant difference with adults.
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