
来源 :新疆农垦科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:elong_ctu
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本试验测定了库尔勒香梨杂交后代脱萼、宿萼正常果的果柄长度和粗度,果实横径、纵径和体积,果心横径和纵径,单果重,硬度和可溶性固形物等指标。结果表明:库尔勒香梨杂交后代脱萼、宿萼正常果的外观品质和内在品质存在差异,脱萼正常果的单果重、体积和可溶性固形物均显著大于宿萼果;脱萼正常果的果柄明显短于宿萼果;脱萼正常果的硬度小于宿萼果;其它品质如果柄粗度,果实横径和纵径,果心横径和纵径等指标变化不统一。 In this study, we measured the length and thickness of stems, normal stem diameter and length and diameter of fruit, diameter and vertical diameter of fruit heart, fruit weight, firmness and soluble solids index. The results showed that there were differences in appearance quality and intrinsic quality between the normal and the normal post-calyx cultivars in the cross of Korla fragrant pear. The normal fruit weight, volume and soluble solids of the normal calyx were significantly greater than those of the normal calyx The stalks are obviously shorter than the calyx of the calyx; the hardness of the calyx of normal calyx is less than that of the calyx; the other indexes such as the thickness of the stalk, the diameter and longitudinal diameter of the fruit, the diameter of the fruit and the longitudinal diameter of the fruit are not uniform.
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。郑州市产业结构调整之研究@于向英 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
针对皖南酸性红黄壤“酸、瘠”特点 ,采用田间试验方法研究了白云石对皖南酸性红黄壤的改良效应。研究结果表明 :酸性红黄壤上施用白云石粉可改善土壤酸度状况 ,提高作物产量
目的 探讨中药复方脑络欣通及其拆方抗气虚血瘀证脑缺血再灌注损伤的作用机制。方法 复制大鼠气虚血瘀证模型,线栓法大脑中动脉制作局灶性脑缺血再灌注模型,随机分为假手术组、
【目的】明确柑橘木虱[Diaphorina citri(Kuwayama)]雌雄成虫交配前期和雌虫产卵前期的时长及成虫交配、产卵和羽化的昼夜节律,为探索更经济、有效和环保的柑橘木虱防控措施