“人”,到底是个什么东西? “盘古开天地”,带来了“女娲戏黄土,团作愚下人”。 其实,人很小,也很大。说“小”,是说人是由古类猿人进化而成的;说“大”那也真大,“只要有了人,就什么人间奇迹都可以创造出来。”嘿!人啊人,你真是一个琢磨不透的人——你从哪里来,你又到哪里去? 一个生命就是一次空前绝后的奇迹。生命演变为人生的始末,尊重人和保障人引导着人的后天历程。不管“人”这个“动物”来自哪里、去向何处,反正有一条真理颠覆不破,那
“Man”, in the end is what is it? “Pangu opened up the world”, brought “nuwa play loess, regiment as a fool”. In fact, people are small and large. To say “little” is to say that people are evolved from ancient ape-men; that “greatness” is so great that “as long as there are people, miracles can be created.” Hey, people, you Really an unpredictable person - where are you from, where are you going? A life is an unprecedented miracle. Life evolved into the beginning and end of life, respect for people and protect people to guide people’s acquired course. No matter where the “human” animal comes from, wherever it goes, there is a truth that is not subverted