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在新世纪的第一个春天,在知识创新工程全面推进阶段的启动之际,中科院召开了人事工作会议。这次会议是贯彻落实院工作会议精神,部署在知识创新工程试点全面推进阶段人事制度改革和加强人才队伍建设工作的一次重要会议。它将对加快科技体制改革,推动我院在新世纪知识创新试点工作的发展起到重要的作用。这次会议将成为我院全面推进和深化人事制度改革的新的里程碑,并对国家人事制度改革做出新的贡献。过去几年,尤其是实施知识创新工程试点以来,在国家有关部门的支持和院党组的直接领导下,我院的人事制度改革工作和人才队伍建设取得了可喜的成绩。前一阶段我院在全国率先进行了人事制度的综合配套改革:建立并实施了全员聘用合同制;建立并实行了以加强管理队伍建设为目标的职员制度;在专业技术人员的管理上,启动了“按需设岗,按岗聘任”的岗位聘任制度;在知识创新试点单位全面实行了基本工资、岗位津贴加绩效奖励的三元结构分配制度。这些制度的建立和实施,不但使我院人事人才管理工作上 In the first spring of the new century, at the launching of the stage of comprehensively promoting knowledge innovation, the Chinese Academy of Sciences held a personnel work conference. This meeting is an important meeting for implementing the spirit of the work conference of the hospital and deploying it in the Pilot Project of Knowledge Innovation Project to comprehensively promote the personnel system reform and the personnel system construction in the stage. It will play an important role in accelerating the reform of the science and technology system and in promoting the development of our hospital in the pilot work of knowledge innovation in the new century. This meeting will become a new milestone in the comprehensive promotion and deepening of personnel system reform in our hospital and will make new contributions to the reform of the national personnel system. In the past few years, especially since the Pilot Project on Knowledge Innovation was carried out, with the support of the relevant state departments and the direct leadership of the academic and party groups, the reform of the personnel system and the contingent of qualified personnel in our hospital have made gratifying achievements. In the previous stage, our hospital took the lead in implementing the comprehensive reform of the personnel system throughout the country: the establishment and implementation of a full-time employment contract system; the establishment and implementation of a staffing system aimed at strengthening the management team building; and the management of professional and technical personnel, The system of job appointment was set up on the basis of job placement and on-job appointment, and the tripartite structure allocation system of basic salary, post allowance and performance bonus was implemented in pilot units of knowledge innovation. The establishment and implementation of these systems not only make our personnel personnel management work
INTRODUCTIONCarcinoembryonic antigen(CEA),originallydescribed by Gold and Freedman in 1965,is nowan acknowledged member of immunoglobulinsuperfamily, with a ro
1 前言 湘钢现有3座高炉(1、2、3号高炉容积分别为1000、750、1000m~3),1号高炉大修后于1996年7月开炉,2号高炉于1987年4月投产,3号高炉于1994年5月投产。在3号高炉建成前,
很多时候,输赢并没我们想得那么重要,重要的是摔倒后有没有勇气站起来,人生很长,所以要享受再次站起来的过程!    8月11日  星期三上午,学校举行拔河比赛,我也要参赛,心情十分激动。放学后,老师带着我们来到体育场,只见体育场人山人海,非常热闹。体育老师手中拿着一根粗大的绳子,绳子中间系着一条红色的绸带,那是决定胜负的标志。  轮到我们班和三(3)班比赛了。拔河一定要心往一处想、劲往一处使这样才能