挥洒抒豪气 笔墨蕴丹青

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陈山,号牧虎堂、啸斋主人。1963年生于山东济南,祖籍山东济宁。现为山东省美术家协会会员、山东画院高级画师、山东艺术设计学院教授、山东泰山国画院副秘书长,山东文史书画研究会会员。陈山以画写意虎为主,兼工山水、人物等,题材广泛、形态各异、情趣犹浓,笔下的老虎力求在似与不似之间,或静、或动、或威猛、或温柔。配以苍松、峻岭、流水、浮云,把老虎不同状态下的形象刻画得栩栩如生、淋漓尽致。笔墨的灵动率意与华润并举,以人性的视觉与情感,赋 Chen Shan, No. animal husbandry Tiger Hall, Xiao Zhai master. 1963 Born in Jinan, Shandong, native Jining, Shandong. He is now a member of Shandong Artists Association, a senior painter of Shandong Painting Academy, a professor of Shandong Art Design Institute, a deputy secretary-general of Shandong Taishan Chinese Painting Academy, and a member of Shandong Literature, History and Painting Research Association. Chen Shan paints freehand tigers, concurrently works landscapes, figures and so on, with a wide range of topics and different forms, with a high degree of interest. His tiger strives to be similar or not, or static, or dynamic, or mighty, or tender. With pines, mountains, water, clouds, the image of the tiger under different states lifelike, most vividly. Smart brush ink and ink rates and CRH simultaneously, with human vision and emotion, Fu
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正交表是统计学家C.R.Rao在1947年研究试验设计时引入的一种组合构形,是组合设计理论和试验设计理论研究的重要课题之一.A.S.Hedayat, N.J.A.Sloane和J.Stufken出版了关于正交
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本文主要研究分数阶Hénon方程(-△)α/2u(x)=|x|γup(x), x∈Rn,(0-1)在全空间Rn上正解的对称性,单调性,其中,0<α<2,γ>0.并在该方程的基础上分析半空间Rn+上方程组{(-△)α/2u1(x)=xγn