开通主渠道 一活带百活

来源 :中国经济体制改革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdongjiang
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活商,首先要强化主渠道意识没有活跃的商业,就不可能大力发展商品经济。山东省滕州市地处通衢要冲,交通便利,自古就是鲁南地区重要的商品集散地,发展商业具有得天独厚的条件。党的十一届三中全会以来,滕州初步建立了以国合商业为主体,多渠道、少环节,开放式的商品流 For a live business, first of all, it is impossible to strengthen the main channel awareness and there is no active business, so it is impossible to vigorously develop the commodity economy. Tengzhou City in Shandong Province is located in the most important area of ​​Tongyu. With convenient transportation, it has been an important commodity distribution center in Lunan since ancient times. It has unique conditions for the development of commerce. Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Tengzhou has initially established an open-ended commodity flow based on the cooperation between China and the United States with multiple channels and fewer links.
时间为什么总是跑得那么快呢? 闭上眼,2005年的冬阳温暖依旧,心里却已感觉到 2006年春的气息。 2006年,狗年,一个洋溢着责任和忠诚的新年。我们应该想些什么,做些什么呢? 回
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“市场疲软”,时下几乎已“谈虎色变”。不过,也有“背靠大树好乘凉”,借“市场疲软”之名遮工作失误之实的。其实,不乏大有作为的企业和当家人。浙 “The market is weak,
以前,有个小男孩,脾气很坏,他爸爸就给他一包钉子,让他每次发脾气的时候就往篱笆上钉钉子。就在第一天,小家伙就已经在篱笆上钉了37个钉子。慢慢地,他钉的越来越少了,There w
膨胀对经济学家来说是一回事,而对宇宙学家来说又是一回事。在用于描述宇宙时,膨胀是指近140亿年前宇宙的微源扩胀。 Inflation is one thing for economists, and it is on
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Once upon a time,there was a little boy who was raised in an orphanage.从前,有个小男孩,在孤儿院被人抚养成长着。The little boy had always wished that he could fl