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为了贯彻“预防为主、综合防治”的植保方针,必须用生态学、经济学和环境保护学的观点考虑病虫害防治问题,把病虫害种群数量控制在作物受害经济允许损失之下,应有一个科学的防治指标。它不仅可指导药剂防治,而且为确定防治策略,检验各种防治措施的效果提供理论依据,为建立综合防治体系,为植保专业队和生产部门科学管理病虫害奠定基础。在对病虫害、作物及其环境进行深入细致实验研究后,将病虫、作物受害程度及产量损失程度数量化,用数学动态模型将三因素有机联系起来,进而制定防治指标。 In order to carry out the policy of “prevention first and comprehensive prevention and cure”, we must consider pest and disease control from the perspectives of ecology, economics and environmental protection and control the number of pests and diseases under the economic allowable loss of crop damage. There should be a science Control index. It can not only guide the chemical control, but also provide a theoretical basis for determining the control strategy and testing the effectiveness of various control measures. It will lay the foundation for the establishment of a comprehensive prevention and control system and for the scientific management of plant diseases and pests by the plant protection professional team and the production department. After the pests and diseases, crops and their environment were intensively and experimentally studied, the degree of pests and diseases, the degree of crop damage and the degree of yield loss were quantified. The mathematical dynamic model was used to organically link the three factors so as to formulate prevention and control targets.
(Dmitri Dmitriyevich Shostakovich1906.9.25——1975.8.9)肖斯塔科维奇,前苏联继斯特拉文斯基和普罗科菲耶夫之后的最杰出的作曲家之一。他杰出的音乐才能、浩繁的作品、不
1978~1982年,作者对两索线虫(Amphimermis sp.)进行了研究,认为是调节当地褐稻虱种群数量的优势天敌。这类线虫分布区域较广,与害虫同一季节发生。感染线虫的褐稻虱寿命缩短,
水稻麦蛾 Pitycons xeropis Meyrick 属鳞翅目麦蛾科,以幼虫在开花稻穗部为害,取食花丝、花药、花粉及子房,饱食后吐丝将稻穗小枝梗缀结成一小室,藏匿其中,待水稻开花时再行
It is a high honor and privilege to send the message here in celebration of its1 0 th anniversary of thelaunching your journal.From the Republic of Korea,Iconve