How to obtain happiness?

来源 :青春岁月 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zenghui_yan
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Nowadays,faced with big pressures in the society,people often feel low.When people are in bad mood,they can not do things wholeheartedly,because they have no confidence in themselves,and they always believe that they will fail,so the result do.At those moments,self adjusting is very important,it may determine a person’s whole life,then how to obtain happiness? Nowadays, faced with big pressures in the society, people often feel low .When people are in bad mood, they can not do things wholeheartedly, because they have no confidence in themselves, and they always believe that they will fail, so the result do .At those moments, self adjusting is very important, it may determine a person’s whole life, then how to find happiness?
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