
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ahutxhb
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Background and Purpose - Many patients with transient ischemic attack (TIA) or minor stroke present to medical attention after a delay of several days or weeks, at which time it may be more difficult to obtain a clear history and clinical signs may have resolved. Because ischemic lesions on diffusion- weighted MRI (DWI) often persist for several weeks, we hypothesized that adding DWI to a standard protocol with T2- weighted imaging might be useful in the management of patients presenting late. Methods - We studied consecutive patients with TIA or minor stroke presenting ≥ 3 days after the event. Two independent observers recorded the presence or absence of recent ischemic lesions on 2 different occasions, first with the T2 scan only, and second with T2 and DWI. Each time, with the aid of a written clinical summary, the observers recorded their diagnosis and proposed management. Results - 300 patients (159 men) were scanned at a median of 17 (interquartile range=10 to 23) days after symptom onset. DWI showed a high signal lesion in 114/164 (70% ) minor strokes versus 17/136 (13% ) TIAs (P < 0.0001). The presence of high- signal lesions on DWI decreased nonlinearly with time since symptom onset (F < 0.0001) and increased with National Institutes of Health Stroke Score (P=0.038) and with age (P=0- 01). In 90/206 (43.7% ) patients with 1 or multiple lesions on T2, DWI helped to clarify whether these were related to a recent ischemic event (79 [48% Abstract: strokes; 11 [31% Abstract:- TIAs). Compared with T2 alone, DWI provided additional information in 108 (36% ) patients (91 [56% Abstract: strokes and 17 [13% Abstract: TIAs), such as clarification of clinical diagnosis (18 patients, 6% ) or vascular territory (28 patients, 93% ), which was considered likely to influence management in 42 (14% )- patients (32 [19% Abstract: strokes; 10 [7.4% Abstract: TIAs). Conclusions - The clinically useful information available from DWI provides a further justification for an MRI- based imaging protocol in patients with subacute TIA or minor stroke. Background and Purpose - Many patients with transient ischemic attack (TIA) or minor stroke present to medical attention after a delay of several days or weeks, at which time it may be more difficult to obtain clear history and clinical signs may have resolved. Because ischemic lesions on diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) often persist for several weeks, we hypothesized that adding DWI to a standard protocol with T2-weighted imaging might be useful in the management of patients presenting late. Methods - We studied consecutive patients with TIA or minor stroke presenting ≥ 3 days after the event. Two independent observers recorded the presence or absence of recent ischemic lesions on 2 different occasions, first with the T2 scan only, and second with T2 and DWI. Each time, with the aid of a written Clinical summary, the observers recorded their diagnosis and proposed management. Results - 300 patients (159 men) were scanned at a median of 17 (interquartile range = 10 to 23) days after s DWI showed a high signal lesion in 114/164 (70%) minor strokes versus 17/136 (13%) TIAs (P <0.0001). The presence of high- signal lesions on DWI decreased nonlinearly with time since symptom onset (F <0.0001) and increased with National Institutes of Health Stroke Score (P = 0.038) and with age (P = 0-01). In 90/206 (43.7%) patients with 1 or multiple lesions on T2, DWI helped clarify whether these were related to a recent ischemic event (79 [48% Abstract: strokes; 11 [31% Abstract: Such as clarification of clinical diagnosis (18 patients, 6%) or vascular territory (28 patients, 93%), which was considered likely to influence management in 42 (14%) - Patients (32 [19% Abstract: strokes; 10 [7.4% Abstract: TIAs). Conclusions - The clinically useful information available from DWI provides a further justification for an MRI- based imaging protocol in patients with subacute TIA or minor stroke.
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8月16日 晴  今天我们去了长乐烧烤,我们玩得很开心。  我们一大群人浩浩荡荡地朝钱科逸家出发,顺便我要投诉一下李路怡的爸爸开车技术太烂了,他一个转弯我差点飞出去,到达目的地时我已经晕了好几次了。  我们小孩子乱跳乱跑,他们说有蜜蜂,我就跟着上去看了看,结果他们从一个秘密通道里走了下去,很意外,我们发现了“茫茫大沙漠”。我们就开始了捡贝壳之战,胡哲迩爸爸居然意外地捡到了一个活贝壳(河蚌)。孙玥尔
8月23日 晴  红楼梦里的“林妹妹”是个多愁善感的人,而我们班里的“杨妹妹”杨晨怡,却是个爱学习、勇敢的人。  杨晨怡长得很漂亮,一双大大的眼睛水汪汪的,一个小小的鼻子嵌在脸上,像为她这张漂亮的脸添上了点睛之笔。一张能说会道的嘴巴里经常吐出许多的好词佳句。  有一天,我们正在上语文课,杨晨怡突然呕了,随之肚子也疼了起来。陈老师问她:“有没有事?要不要回家休息?”“不用了。”杨晨怡用微弱的声音回答