
来源 :石油钻采工艺 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:forsanwang
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通过对蒙一联脱水过程中存在问题进行调查研究,找出了造成问题的原因,并通过室内试验提出了经济可行的解决方案,即通过加大油区污水排放,降低脱前含水,使电脱水器正常生产,在水区通过对污水的组成进行分析,研制出针对性强的反相破乳剂BH-1。措施实施后,达到了预期的目标,彻底解决了蒙一联生产过程中存在的问题,经济效益和社会效益显著。 Through the investigation and study of the problems existing in the process of the dehydration of a couplets, the causes of the problems were identified and an economically feasible solution was put forward through laboratory experiments. By increasing the discharge of sewage in the oil-producing areas and reducing the water content before dehydration, Dehydrator normal production, in the water by analyzing the composition of the sewage, developed a targeted anti-phase demulsifier BH-1. After the implementation of the measures, the Company achieved the expected goal and completely solved the problems existing in the process of production by Mongolia Union Union. The economic and social benefits were remarkable.
[摘 要]本文以对师生进行的访谈、问卷调查为依据,论述了大学英语合作学习中常见问题及对策。  [关键词]合作学习 形式化 角色意识    随着国际合作交流的逐步扩大,外语教学受到挑战。在2004年教育部制定的《大学英语课程教学要求》的指导下,大学英语教学模式发生了改变。由以教师为中心,单纯传授语言知识和技能的教学模式转向以学生为中心,既传授知识、技能又注重语言运用能力和自主学习能力培养的教学模式。
A quantum cascade(QC)laser-based spectrometer is developed to measure trace gases in air.The proposed spectrometer is tested for N2O,and the results presented i
对丁酮一甲苯混合溶剂的水吸收与油吸收的工艺过程进行了比较,指出油吸收工艺可解决了酮一甲苯混合溶剂排空损失大的问题,且丁酮溶剂的单耗由1.81kg/t下降到1.19kg/t,可增加经济效益53.8万元/a。 The
为了防止环境污染,我国很多城市正在或打算采用LPG作为车用燃料。但是,LPG 中烯烃的存在将影响使用质量,烯烃燃烧结炭引起汽缸磨损、管路堵塞,丁二烯会损伤橡胶件等等,因此希望采用不含