
来源 :天津教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoyaozhu
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作为一所非少数民族聚居地区的民族学校,尹淑霞校长提出了将“中华民族”的“大民族观”教育,与尊重少数民族文化和风俗习惯有机统一的观点。确立了天津市民族中学以“外显民族特色,内蕴和谐发展”为原则的“民族和谐教育”的办学特色。2011年,学校入选天津市首批特色高中建设项目实验校。2014年11月,面向全市成功举办了特色展示活动。苏霍姆林斯基曾说:“校长首先是教育思想的领导,其次才是教育行政的领导。”在这一观点的启迪 As a national school inhabited by non-ethnic minorities, President Yin Shu-xia put forward the view that there should be an organic unity in respect of the education of the “grand nation” of “the Chinese nation” and respect for the ethnic cultures and customs. Established the characteristics of running a school for “ethnic harmonious education” based on the principle of “distinctive national features, harmonious development of inherent features” in Tianjin Nationalities High School. In 2011, the school was selected as one of the first experimental high school construction projects in Tianjin. In November 2014, the city successfully held a special exhibition. Sukhomlinski once said: “The headmaster is first and foremost the leader of educational thought, and secondly the leader of educational administration.” Enlightenment in this view
Laparoscopic surgery has established itself as a safe and effective alternative to open surgery for the treatment of colorectal cancer. However, laparoscopic re
本文采用盆栽试验、大田试验和室内分析相结合的方法,研究了施加生物有机肥对植烟土壤质量和烤烟烟叶产量、品质的影响,主要研究结果如下:1.生物有机肥和芝麻饼肥能够显著促进土壤养分的释放,供给烟叶生长需要,但是,在常规施肥减少1/3的同时配施生物有机肥将影响烟叶的前期生长发育,以减少常规施肥1/4为宜。2.以T3处理(常规施肥增施饼肥375 kg·hm-2)、T4处理(常规施肥量减少1/4+增施生态有机
蔬菜中的农药残留关系到人们的身心健康和我国农业的可持续发展,如何控制农药残留、提高质量安全是一个重要课题。丛枝菌根( Arbuscular mycorrhiza,AM)是自然界中普遍存在的共
本试验采用框栽方法,利用15N示踪技术,设N 60 kg/hm2一次性基肥氮及在N 30 kg/hm2基础上,于大豆初花期(R1)、盛花期(R2)、初荚期(R3)、盛荚期(R4)各生育期追15N–尿素30 kg/hm2,共5个处理,分别于R1、R3、R4、R5(鼓粒初期)、R6(鼓粒后期)、R8期(收获期)取样,测定了大豆各个部位的含氮量、干物重及15N的原子百分数,计算各相关指标,研究不同生育期
AIM: To evaluate the efficacy of ursodeoxycholic acid(UDCA) as a chemotherapeutic agent for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC).METHODS: BALB/c nude
AIM: To compare cases of xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis(XGC) and advanced gallbladder cancer and discuss the differential diagnoses and surgical options.METH