三大常规以及某些实验室检查的重要诊断意义和应注意问题 第一讲 血常规(上)

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三大常规以及其它常用化验检查在当前诊断学中仍占有重要的地位。但目前有的临床医师却认为,如今有了许多自动分析仪和新的先进诊断仪器械的检查,而并不需要对三大常规等象过去那样予以高度重视了,这种看法显然是片面而错误的。由于基础科学和医药学的迅速进步,临床医师应该特别重视各种标本的正确收集、保存、检查方法和对于其结果的正确判断。至于对那些可以干扰化验结果的因素,象用过抗生素患者要作血培养,若不及时告知检验科。势必不能使检验科对已用过的不同抗生素在培养基中加上该抗生素的相应拮抗剂,这就很难培养出致病菌。如仅根据这种化验结果指导医疗实践,就会误诊和误治,甚至造成患者死亡的严重后果。上述情况不仅表明,临床医师不能只根据某项化验结果来指导诊断和治疗作为唯一的客观指标,更重要的是各科临床医师和检验工作者要努力学习,加强知识更新,并把好质量控制关,使各项检验工作发挥它们在临床诊断和疾病防治方面的正确作用。 Three common and other commonly used laboratory tests still occupy an important position in the current diagnosis. However, at present, some clinicians think that nowadays there are many automatic analyzers and new advanced diagnostic instruments that do not need to attach great importance to the three conventional standards in the past. This view is clearly one-sided Incorrect. Due to the rapid progress of basic sciences and medicine, clinicians should pay special attention to the correct collection, preservation, examination methods and correct judgment of the results of various specimens. As for those who can interfere with the test results of the factors, such as the use of antibiotics for blood culture, if not promptly informed the laboratory. It is bound to make it impossible for the laboratory to add the corresponding antagonist of the antibiotic to the different antibiotics already used in the laboratory, which makes it difficult to cultivate pathogens. If only based on the results of this test to guide medical practice, it will misdiagnosis and mistreatment, and even cause serious consequences of patient death. The above situation not only shows that clinicians can not only guide the diagnosis and treatment based on a test result as the only objective indicator, but more importantly, clinicians and examiners in all disciplines should study hard, update knowledge and put good quality control Off, so that the inspection work to play their correct role in clinical diagnosis and disease prevention and treatment.
飞针走线不挑吃穿  王素桢身份证显示出生于1906年,与末代皇帝溥仪同年,现已107岁了。当记者见到她时,老人穿着一身喜庆的花红外套,精神无比矍铄。当着记者的面,寿星做起了针线活,而且手法娴熟麻利。王老太太说:“我在很小的时候,就跟着伯父来到沙市。出嫁很早,生养了15个孩子(其中有2个是领养的),有9个孩子在抗战中夭折。”年轻时王素桢勤劳持家,一大家子的家务活儿,她都安排得井井有条。  20世纪7
交感神经、肾素-血管紧张素系统功能变化是心力衰竭两大重要的代偿途径.我们测定心衰患者血浆上腺素(E),去甲肾上腺 Sympathetic, renin-angiotensin system function chan