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在“新闻与想象”的讨论中,许多同志提出了“新闻中想象的运用与限制”的命题。这个命题是讨论的关键所在。新闻采写中既离不开想象,又需要加以限制,这种思维方式应以其自身的逻辑存在,而不是靠“限制”原则的外在的提醒。我的命题是:“想象——印证”是贯穿新闻采写活动始终的、两个既不相同又紧密相连的、对立统一的心理过程或思维方式。这两个既矛盾又统一的心理过程在新闻采写活动中呈现出规律性的表现。 In the discussion of “news and imagination,” many comrades put forward the proposition of “the application and restriction of imagination in the news.” This proposition is the key to discussion. In the news writing and writing, it is inseparable from the imagination and needs to be limited. This mode of thinking should exist in its own logic, rather than an external reminder of the principle of “restriction”. My proposition is: “Imagination - Confirmation” is the consistent process of news writing and writing, and the two are not the same and closely linked to the unity of opposites psychological process or way of thinking. These two contradictory and unified psychological processes show a regular expression in news writing and writing activities.
本研究分为两个部分,主要从抗氧化酶活性上研究短季棉早熟不早衰的生理生化机制和从蔗糖相关酶活性上研究新疆生态条件下棉纤维糖含量高的原因。 1.选用6个短季棉纯系(3个早熟不早衰品种、3个早衰品种),采用双列杂交设计,在棉花发育的各个时期,对植株亲本及其杂交F_1的抗氧化酶系统(CAT、SOD、POD等)的酶活性、MDA和叶绿素含量进行了测定,同时对各个品种的农艺性状进行了调查。研究发现早熟不早
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利用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术,分析了中国不同地区(24—51°N,97—135°E,0—2650M)野生大豆213份种子贮藏蛋白组份11S 与7S 的比值,比值范围为0.36—4.40,平均值为1.06。首次
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