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Eisenstat等最近报告,在艾滋病患者中,脂溢性皮炎的发病率高达64%;而且脂溢性皮炎的发病常早于或与艾滋病症状同时出现。这些发现为我们提供了一个易染艾滋病的线索。患良性乳房疾病和乳房癌的妇女,皮脂的分泌率高于对照的正常妇女。在必需脂肪酸缺乏的情况下,人体皮脂腺出现肥大。而患良性乳房疾病的妇女,服用富含亚油酸及其代谢产物和γ-亚麻酸的月见草油,可使这一状况大有改观。这些发现表明:患良性乳房疾病、皮脂分泌过多及脂溢性皮炎与人体必需脂肪酸缺乏有关。由于脂溢性皮炎在艾滋病患者中多见,那么艾滋病是否也与机体内必需脂肪酸的缺乏有关呢? Koha等指出动物疱疹病毒、流感病毒、Sendai病毒和Sindbis病毒可在与亚油酸和花生四烯酸接触的几分钟内失去活性。Sehlager等还证实了鼠的腹膜巨噬细胞能被亚麻酸激活,富含亚麻酸的巨噬细胞对肿瘤细胞有明显的杀伤作用。他们指出,巨噬细胞淋巴因子的激活与其亚麻酸的含量增加到其对照值的2~3倍有关。作者等认为:γ-亚麻酸能预防和逆转由射线及苯并芘引起的基因损害。因此, Eisenstat et al. Recently reported that the incidence of seborrheic dermatitis was as high as 64% among AIDS patients; and the incidence of seborrheic dermatitis was earlier or earlier than that of AIDS. These findings provide us with a clue to HIV / AIDS. Women with benign breast disease and breast cancer had a higher rate of sebum secretion than normal women in the control group. In the absence of essential fatty acids, human sebaceous glands appear hypertrophy. Women with benign breast disease, however, can make a significant difference by taking evening primrose oil, which is rich in linoleic acid and its metabolites, and gamma-linolenic acid. These findings suggest that benign breast disease, excessive sebum production and seborrheic dermatitis are associated with a deficiency of essential fatty acids in the body. Since seborrheic dermatitis is more common in AIDS patients, is AIDS also related to the lack of essential fatty acids in the body? Koha et al. Pointed out that herpes zoster virus, influenza virus, Sendai virus and Sindbis virus can be associated with linoleic acid and peanut tetra The alkenoic acid inactivates within minutes of exposure. Sehlager et al. Also confirmed that peritoneal macrophages of mice can be activated by linolenic acid, and that linolenic acid-rich macrophages have obvious killing effect on tumor cells. They point out that the activation of macrophage lymphokines correlates with their levels of linolenic acid increasing by two to three times their control values. The authors believe that: γ-linolenic acid can prevent and reverse the gene damage caused by radiation and benzopyrene. therefore,
1984年,对贵阳市、三都县银屑病流行情况进行调查,调查人口93420人,总患病率为1.66‰。文中还就该病的病因及治疗进行了讨论。 In 1984, the prevalence of psoriasis in Gu