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封建土地所有制是封建制度的基础。土地是封建社会的主要的生产资料,而生产资料的所有制形式则是生产关系的首要环节;因此,弄清楚我国封建社会的土地所有制形式,将使我们更深刻地理解我国封建社会的生产关系,更清楚地了解我国劳动人民的生产地位和生活情况。它也有助于我们对阶级斗争发展的规律,以及上层建筑的许多现象的认识。所谓封建社会的土地所有制形式,就是土地归谁所有的问题。有人认为土地是归皇帝或国家所有,这就是土地国有制;有人认为土地是归封建地主所有(也有人认为自耕农民也有一部分土地),这就是土地私有制,或地主土地所有制。近几年来,国有制和私有制的争论很热烈,现将争论的情况和问题综合简介如下。 Feudal land ownership is the foundation of the feudal system. Land is the main means of production in the feudal society, and the ownership form of the means of production is the primary link in the relations of production. Therefore, clarifying the form of land ownership in the feudal society of our country will enable us to understand more deeply the relations of production in our country's feudal society, Understand more clearly the productive status and living conditions of our working people. It also helps us understand the law of class struggle and the many phenomena of the superstructure. The so-called form of land ownership in feudal society is the question of who owns the land. Some people think that the land is owned by the emperor or the state. This is state ownership of land. Some people think that the land belongs to all the feudal landlords (some also think that the self-employed peasants also have some land). This is the private ownership of land or the landownership. In recent years, there has been a heated debate over the state-owned system and the private ownership system. The current situation and issues under debate are summarized as follows.