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甘肃是文物大省,千里陇原大地是中国历史文化的“聚宝盆”。从陇东子午岭中的秦代“高速公路”——秦直道,到陇中的大地湾遗址,再到河西走廊的古丝绸之路,祖先留下的灿烂遗迹照耀后人,文明碎片俯拾皆是。难以数计的历史遗迹记录了甘肃厚重的历史,成为宝贵的文化遗产。日前,记者专访了省博物馆馆长俄军。记者:博物馆是一个民族历史的缩影。甘肃地处黄河中上游,是华夏文明的发祥地之一,也是古代丝绸之路的必 Gansu is a large province of cultural relics, and thousands of miles of Longyuan land is the “cornucopia” of Chinese history and culture. From the Longdong Ziwuling Qin “Highway ” - Qin Zhidao, to Longzhong Dadiwan ruins, and then to the Hexi Corridor of the ancient Silk Road, the ancestors left behind the brilliant heritage of future generations, civilization fragments Abound Historical countless counties record the heavy history of Gansu, a precious cultural heritage. Recently, the reporter interviewed the provincial museum curator russian. Reporter: The museum is a microcosm of a nation’s history. Located in the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River, Gansu is one of the cradles of the Huaxia civilization and also a must for the ancient Silk Road
Low frequency electromagnetic fluctuations in the vicinity of a magnetospheric substorm onset were investigated using simultaneous observations by THEMIS multip
This work detects multi-scale, from hour to seconds, pressure-balanced structures (PBSs) in the solar wind based on the anti- correlation between the plasma the
静脉注射尿激酶诱发心绞痛一例熊世熙,刘一,任江华,胡盛锐患者男,61岁。劳力性心绞痛一年,入院前一月胸痛频繁,多在休息时发生,疼痛时间延长,含心痛定可缓解。入院时BP142/75mm Hg,心率80/min,律齐。余体检
In November 2011, Journal of Arid Land (JAL) was accepted for indexing in Cambridge Science Abstracts (CSA) and Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience Abstracts