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  Reporter 1: We’ll start with this; you got a recent ankle problem, you got an ongoing finger problem, how are you feeling right now and how close are you to coming back?
  Kobe: Well, I’m…I’m feeling as good as I can be in this situation. Y’know, we’re still winning games, so that makes me happy, and the ankle’s gettin’ better. Y’know the finger kinda is what it is. I mean, it’s broken; it’s not somethin’ that’s gonna, y’know, the bones aren’t gonna mend themselves in this time period, so…
  Reporter 2: What were you doing playin’ so many minutes at this? I don’t wanna make you sound like an old man, but you’ve been around for a minute. Why were you playin’ so many minutes? These injuries are gonna
  pile up.
  Kobe: Well, we just had a lot of injuries at the start of the year. Y’know, Powell went down, and once he went down, y’know, my minutes had to pick up, y’know, because we needed somebody on the floor that could come in, double team and do things like that, and just the flow of the game, so we had a lot of tough games [at the] start of the year, so I hadda play a significant amount of minutes.
  Reporter 1: The Lakers, as we just mentioned, have won four straight without you. Are you getting a 1)chuckle out
  of this?
  Kobe: I love it, you know, that’s somethin’ that we try to,…y’know, we pride ourselves on is them bein’ able to make decisions without me. I don’t want to be out there makin’ decisions for them all the time. I don’t figure you can win a championship that way. And, so we take pride in us bein’ able to play through injuries whether it’s Powell out, whether it’s myself out or whether it’s Andrew out, y’know we just try to adjust and stay within the context of what we try to do.
  Reporter 1: Do you ever worry that your teammates might get a little happy that they’re winning without you, and might think, ‘Well, do we really need this guy back?’
  Kobe: No, not really.
  Reporter 1: Do you wanna 2)elaborate on that?
  Kobe: No, I mean, no, I’m really…no, I don’t. I don’t.
  Reporter 2: Everybody’s puttin’ the Lakers into the finals, and now, lately, because the Cavaliers are so hot, they got you in the finals with the Cavaliers. We want to see you and LeBron–I’m not shy about sayin’ that. Some part of you want to see you and LeBron?
  Kobe: You know what, I…I just want to see us get to the finals again and win another championship, that’s all I wanna see. I don’t care who we’re playin’. Y’know, we can be playin’ ET for all I care. It doesn’t…It…It…It, y’know, it doesn’t matter, y’know, it’s cool, though, for a kid, like, if I was, y’know, in high school or middle school when I was growin’ up, y’know, just like, y’know, I watch Michael or Magic go at it in the finals is definitely, y’know, has a little bit more pop to it to see us and Cleveland play, so many different back-stories, but from a player’s perspective, we just wanna be in the dance, and whoever we dance with doesn’t matter.
  Reporter 1: Well, whether you care or not as to who is opposite you in the finals, as Mike said, the general public wants to see you play LeBron. But they also, over the course of this year, because of LeBron’s impending free-agency and whether he’ll move and where he might move to, there’s just a lot of talk about LeBron. How does that sit with you that there’s not quite the same amount of talk about Kobe this year as there is about LeBron?
  Kobe: (sarcastically) Oh, I’m absolutely 3)devastated. I have a hard time sleepin’. No, I, y’know, it’s pretty cool, man, you know, I…I…I like bein’ below the radar and just playin’, and it’s been a real smooth season for us, y’know. We just go out there and play our game, and, y’know, hopefully, at the end in June, y’know, we’ll be standin’ there with the 4)trophy. Hopefully.
  Reporter 1: Thank you so much for joining us. Hope you get well.
  Reporter 2: Thank you, Kobe. We appreciate it.
  Kobe: You got it, man. Thank you.
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