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胜利油田分公司桩西采油厂防砂工艺技术通过近年来的发展,满足了储层防砂的需要,但是每年总有部分低产低效防砂井遗留下来。本文首先对桩西采油厂近年来的防砂实施情况、实施效果进行了总结评价,分区块、分防砂方法进行了分析,得出了各种防砂方法对不同区块的适应性。根据防砂工艺特点和储层特点,分析了造成低产低效防砂井的原因主要是充填防砂和金属滤防砂堵塞。在此基础上,进行了相应的新工艺、新技术改进,开展了低产低效出砂井治理配套技术研究,形成了酸化防砂一体化治理技术、陶粒砂充填防砂工艺、分级阶梯充填防砂工艺、化学防砂刚玉滤复合防砂工艺和预充填冲缝滤砂管防砂工艺。配套治理技术实施后取得了初步的效果,解决了部分防砂井低产低效的问题。 The sand control technology of the Puxi Oil Production Plant of Shengli Oilfield Branch has met the need of sand control in recent years. However, there are always some low-yield and inefficient sand control wells left over each year. This paper first summarizes and evaluates the actual situation of sand control and the effect of sand control in the Puxi Oil Production Plant in recent years. The method of subdivision and subdivision sand control is analyzed, and the adaptability of various sand control methods to different blocks is obtained. According to the characteristics of sand control technology and reservoir characteristics, the reasons for low production and low efficiency sand control wells are analyzed. The main reasons are sand filling and metal filter sand control. On this basis, the corresponding new technology, new technology improvements, to carry out low yield and low sand production wells governance supporting technology, the formation of the acidification sand control technology integration, sand and sand filling sand control technology, step ladder filled sand control technology , Chemical sand control corundum composite sand control technology and pre-filling punch sand filter sand control process. After the implementation of supporting management technology has achieved initial results, to solve some of the low sand production wells inefficient problems.
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