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无锡市教育局在中学生中开展“祖国开创新局面,我做合格中学生”主题教育活动已经有一年多时间了,寒假前夕,一些中学领导干部、师生谈了他们组织、参予这一活动的体会。潘士金(湖滨中学副校长)、秦(周山浜初中教导主任):中学教育的出发点和归宿,就是要培养国家需要的合格中学生。市教育局及时提出在中学生中开展“祖国开创新局面,我做合格中学生”的主题教育,把学校的教育、教学工作同实现党的十二大提出的奋斗目标紧紧联系起来,把学生的学习和振兴中华紧紧联系起来,反映了时代精神,体现了党的教 The Wuxi Municipal Bureau of Education has carried out the theme education activities of “promoting a new situation for the motherland and I am a qualified secondary school student” among middle school students for more than a year. On the eve of the winter vacation, some middle school leaders and teachers and students talked about their organization and participation in this activity. Experience. Pan Shijin (vice president of Lakeside Middle School) and Qin (director of the junior high school of Zhou Shanjun): The starting point and destination of secondary education is to cultivate qualified secondary students that the country needs. The Municipal Bureau of Education proposed in a timely manner the development of the theme education of “the motherland to create a new situation, I am a qualified secondary school student” among middle school students, and closely linked the education and teaching work of the school with the realization of the goals set by the Party’s Twelfth National Congress. Learning and revitalizing China are closely linked, reflecting the spirit of the times and reflecting the Party’s teaching.
2011年5月7日,全国首届计算机综合应用能力大赛总决赛在北京举行。辽宁警专职教部副教授杨虹带领何俊生、吴秋实、慕云龙、徐茂成4名学生组成的参赛队,团结协作 May 7, 2011
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3月8日上午,湖北省档案局一楼大厅内充满欢声笑语,身着节日盛装的局(馆)全体女同志聚集在一起,共同欢渡本世纪最后一个“三·八”国际劳动妇女节。 座谈会上,省档案局(馆)长鲁
为认真贯彻落实《中华人民共和国消防法》,普及消防知识,展现消防官兵和社会各界群众赴汤蹈火、抢险救援的无私奉献精神,进一步推进构筑社会消防安全 In order to conscient